The UK’s Association of Online Publishers (AOP) is forming a working group to help members address trends in web content, such as blogging and peer-to-peer networks, reports dotJournalism. AOP is an industry body formed in 2002 to present a unified voice to industry and government, representing about 130 online publishers in the UK. Its board […]
Category: Online Media
Business 2.0 experiments
Business 2.0 has placed the complete content of its October issue online, for free access. The magazine says this open access is an experiment as they try out a new technology. So, don’t assume the magazine will be freely online after October. I assume their tech experiment is to do with a new online delivery […]
BBC World radio broadcasts about blogs
Robert Scoble comments about a radio broadcast on the BBC World Service yesterday about blogging which features him and his blog. The broadcast, by Dow Jones journalist Jeremy Wagstaff, gives an overview of what blogs are, how they’ve grown in the past few years and why companies should get involved with them. He uses Scoble […]
Wall Street Journal on Denton and Six Apart
The Wall Street Journal has had a close focus on blogging in the past 48 hours. Yesterday, the paper published an interview with Nick Denton, founder of the Gawker Media range of web properties especially popular with US audiences. Denton – an expat Brit – has made a big impact that has rattled the traditional […]
Business Week aggregated RSS webfeed
Nice work by Constantin Basturea! He’s created a group in Blogdigger that aggregates the seven RSS webfeeds offered by Business Week Online. Now, you can get them all in one go rather than have to subscribe individually at the Business Week website. Business Week Headlines aggregated RSS webfeed
More great thinking via ChangeThis
The latest batch of manifestos from ChangeThis are released today. Since ChangeThis launched in August, the collection of manifestos has grown to over 40. (Read the manifesto about ChangeThis (PDF) to understand what ChangeThis and manifestos are.) Manifesto topics are wide ranging and represent some really great thinking and original ideas. These are five of […]
Print or online? Whatever – it’s all about the audience
How long will it be before traditional print magazines die off because of the internet? Ed Bott poses this question, quoting commentary by Alan Meckler at Jupiter Media, specifically regarding PC Magazine and PC World. It caught my attention primarily because I’ve been a PC World subscriber for a couple of years now. My subscription’s […]
The Red Couch is inspiring!
Such a great idea – write a book about blogging where a blog is the focal point for the two authors – Robert Scoble and Shel Israel – to interact, converse and engage with anyone who has an opinion and some ideas to contribute, and actually create the book’s content. Publishing rights will be auctioned […]
A bevy of books on blogging
The Red Couch isn’t the only new book in the works on blogging. There are quite a few! Jeremy Wright has compiled a list and some comments about what each title plans to cover, which you can read in Jeremy’s post. Here’s the list: Robert Scoble and Shel Israel are doing one called The Red […]
The Red Couch outlined
Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have outlined how they see The Red Couch, the book on blogging they are planning (see my recent post). Highlight from the outline introductory segment: The Red Couch argues blogging is changing everything and businesses choosing to ignore it, face the same fate as the blacksmith who ignored the automobile […]
WebProNews re-publishes NevOn content
Through an informal agreement, tech news portal WebProNews has started re-publishing some of my posts on their news site. Here’s the first re-published post. I was more than pleased to make this agreement when WebProNews asked if they could re-publish some of my content. It is an informal arrangement – I am not receiving any […]
New computer magazine publishes only online
Could this could be the new model of what the technology press should be doing – publishing only online, not in print? In November, UK publisher Cranberry Publishing Ltd launched Home Computer Magazine as a free magazine designed specifically for online publishing: Unlike some other emagazines you might have seen, this one is not a […]
A catalyst for the future of blogs
A very good analysis in the Guardian newsblog on the role blogs have played in the Asia tsunami disaster and the long-term catalyzing effect this will have on the significance of blogs in the future: The tsunami may have a profound effect on blogs. These self-published sites have played a huge role in the telling […]
Blogosphere News starts with useful information
There’s a new news and conversation resource in town – Blogosphere News, started last month by Brad Jasper who also owns and runs the Blog Catalog blog directory. From a quick scan of the site, it looks good. Some good writers and some good topics being posted. I’ll add this one to my Feed Demon […]
Two star offerings from ChangeThis
A new selection of manifestos from ChangeThis is available on free download from today. Among the six new ones, I immediately downloaded two in particular which really are good and worth time in reading: The Hughtrain by Hugh McLeod. Liberally sprinkled with Hugh’s wicked gapingvoid cartoons: “You’ve read The Cluetrain, now Hugh McLeod brings you […]
Online ad market in Europe set for shake up
New York Times: A motor scooter in Manchester, an apartment in Amsterdam, a poster in Paris. All are available via Craigslist, an online bulletin board that presents a new challenge to the established players in the estimated $100 billion global market for classified advertising. This story in today’s NY Times highlights changes in a relatively […]
The Red Couch gains traction
Things are beginning to move with The Red Couch, the collaborative work on producing what could be the definitive business book on why companies should blog, by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. This is no ordinary business book project: Most of this project is being executed in the public eye, via The Red Couch blogsite. […]
Microsoft gags tech news bloggers
Reported on Neowin this afternoon: After an exclusive story here at regarding future Windows Mobile Technologies, Microsoft Bloggers across the world syndicated the news and each received legal threats to take down the material. Bloggers who follow Microsoft technologies are calling on Robert Scoble as a way of contacting Microsoft and are questioning Microsoft’s […]
Enabling happiness and productivity
Among the latest batch of new manifestos available yesterday from ChangeThis is this great one – How To Manage Smart People by Scott Berkun. A manager for nine years at Microsoft, Berkun draws on some of his experiences there in this 18-page PDF to provide a wide range of practical tips and tricks on managing […]
New media could be the saviour for old media
Business Week reports on interesting developments in the newspaper business in France: […] To survive, old-line papers are scouting for deep pockets. Libération found its savior in Rothschild. The conservative Le Figaro, hurt by a 3% drop in sales, was acquired last summer by defense tycoon Serge Dassault for an estimated $1.6 billion. So far, […]