UK online media body looks at blogging and P2P

The UK’s Association of Online Publishers (AOP) is forming a working group to help members address trends in web content, such as blogging and peer-to-peer networks, reports dotJournalism. AOP is an industry body formed in 2002 to present a unified voice to industry and government, representing about 130 online publishers in the UK. Its board […]

More great thinking via ChangeThis

The latest batch of manifestos from ChangeThis are released today. Since ChangeThis launched in August, the collection of manifestos has grown to over 40. (Read the manifesto about ChangeThis (PDF) to understand what ChangeThis and manifestos are.) Manifesto topics are wide ranging and represent some really great thinking and original ideas. These are five of […]

The Red Couch outlined

Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have outlined how they see The Red Couch, the book on blogging they are planning (see my recent post). Highlight from the outline introductory segment: The Red Couch argues blogging is changing everything and businesses choosing to ignore it, face the same fate as the blacksmith who ignored the automobile […]

Two star offerings from ChangeThis

A new selection of manifestos from ChangeThis is available on free download from today. Among the six new ones, I immediately downloaded two in particular which really are good and worth time in reading: The Hughtrain by Hugh McLeod. Liberally sprinkled with Hugh’s wicked gapingvoid cartoons: “You’ve read The Cluetrain, now Hugh McLeod brings you […]

Microsoft gags tech news bloggers

Reported on Neowin this afternoon: After an exclusive story here at regarding future Windows Mobile Technologies, Microsoft Bloggers across the world syndicated the news and each received legal threats to take down the material. Bloggers who follow Microsoft technologies are calling on Robert Scoble as a way of contacting Microsoft and are questioning Microsoft’s […]