As a long-time subscriber to the Financial Times online edition, I’ve wished they would offer RSS feeds instead of email alerts and newsletters. I’ve unsubscribed from every email newsletter from every website that offers them wherever there’s an RSS alternative. I had some email correspondence with the FT last October about RSS; they told me […]
Category: Online Media
Blogs: The explosion of free speech
Pithy commentary in Business Week on the fall from grace of CNN news head Eason Jordan over his remarks that US troops target journalists in Iraq: [Jordan] resigned on Feb. 13 after conservative bloggers feasted on a controversial statement he made in late January at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, about the […]
Total engagement with your readers
Earlier this week, I wrote about what some French newspapers are doing with blogs, commenting on Le Monde, Libération and Le Figaro. In the case of Le Monde, they have reader blogs where readers of the paper can blog about news stories they’d like to see covered. Libération has three journalists’ blogs providing readers with […]
UK newspaper launches blog
The Observer newspaper in the UK will launch a blog this coming Sunday. Journalist, writer and cigar aficionado Ben Hammersley reports: Sparklines! Folksonomies! Tagging! XHTML Compliant! Accessible! Contemporania! It’s not officially live until next Sunday, and is slightly broken and unfinished in places, but seeing as it’s you, you can have a look at my […]
Online media changes traditional demographics
The latest entrant to the world of blogs by mainstream media made its debut yesterday – The Observer newspaper in the UK has a blog. Not only a blog, but podcasts too. The Observer and The Guardian (which owns The Observer) are the only two national newspapers in the UK with blogs. And podcasts. Before […]
Observer blog is just the start
The Observer newspaper in the UK started a blog last weekend, as I commented on earlier this week. Interesting snippet about what may be coming next (and probably for The Guardian, too, which owns The Observer) from Cory Doctorow on Boing Boing, recounting discussion he had with Ben Hammersley, the journalist responsible for the blog’s […]
BBC News editor starts some conversations, but it isn’t blogging
Peter Clifton, editor of the BBC News website, has started writing commentaries that “looks back at the week in the newsroom – and tackles some of your questions.” I’ve seen a couple of blog posts about this, which talk about it as blogging. Well, by any stretch of the imagination, blogging it certainly isn’t. This […]
The age of media personalization
If the 19th century was the age of the newspaper and the 20th century the age of radio and television, this century will be defined as the age of media personalization, says Reuters CEO Tom Glocer. In a feature in the Financial Times last week, Glocer writes about a simple concept – forget the old […]
TV moves to the internet
BBC News: MTV is launching a free "channel" on the internet that will show some of the station’s TV programmes, including reality hit The Osbournes. The MTV Overdrive website will let users with high-speed computer connections watch music videos and extended programmes on demand. The website is currently being tested and will launch fully on […]
BBC Radio launches tech blog, sort of
The BBC moves in mysterious ways regarding blogs, it often seems to me. Earlier this week, one of the BBC’s UK domestic radio stations, Radio Five Live, introduced a blog on the Up All Night radio show website. It’s called the Technology Blog with the strapline "Keep up with the latest gadgets, games and gizmos." […]
UK newspaper wants to host blogs
“We’re looking for people who want to keep a blog or online diary for the News & Star website,” says Nick Turner, deputy editor of the Cumbria News & Star newspaper in northwest England. In a report on Thursday, Turner said, “We would like to have a diverse range of voices on our website and […]
Blogs as ‘editorial innovation’ for mainstream media
Catching up with some neglected RSS feed reading has resulted in a burst of blogging already today. About to take a breather when I came across a post by Suw Charman writing in Strange Attractor about the Blogs in Action seminar in London on 24 March. In her detailed reporting, Suw has done a terrific […]
The future of radio arrives
BBC News: DJs Paul Gambaccini and Tony Blackburn are backing a new website offering radio shows for digital audio players. Podshows will offer shows to download to iPods and other players for between 49p and 99p each. Gambaccini, Blackburn, Steve Penk and former Radio 1 DJ Wes Butters are among the hosts lined up. Last […]
It’s not a blog but the BBC News editor’s site is a good read
I wrote a critical commentary earlier last month about the BBC News website and how its editor, Peter Clifton, had started writing commentaries that "look back at the week in the newsroom – and tackle some of your questions." My commentary focused on what I think the BBC could have done with this new idea […]
Kick-starting a broadcasting revolution
New Scientist: Twice a week, Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson co-host an internet radio talk show. No big deal. What is a big deal is that Holtz lives in California while Hobson lives in the Netherlands. And neither has access to a radio studio. Yet with a couple of PCs, a broadband connection and a […]
Telling the business world about blogs
Now it’s getting completely mainstream. Business Week’s cover story in the 2 May edition is all about blogs. You can’t miss this one – just look at that cover! It looks like it’s the main feature story in all Business Week editions, not only the US edition. So wherever you are in the US, Europe, […]
A nice little earner
Nick Denton, the expat Brit and creator of the Gawker Media blog network, is interviewed today in the New York Times. Already lots of blog posts about the interview, many focusing on Denton’s views about the development of blogging. Sample: […] As for the blog revolution, Mr. Denton put it this way: “Give me a […]
Web Pro News posts with links to comments
Since last December, many of the posts I publish in this blog have been re-published by Web Pro News through an informal agreement we have. Both of us benefit from this symbiosis – they get articles and I get visitors. Overall, I’ve been very pleased with our relationship and how it’s developed during the past […]
On The Red Couch
If you’ve been following developments on The Red Couch, the place where Shel Israel and Robert Scoble are developing the content for their book on blogging, you’ll have seen some great interviews posted there in recent weeks. Those interviews form part of the content of the book’s first four chapters (there was a full table […]
Rocketboom yeah!
I have to agree with Shel – Rocketboom is very cool! Listeners to yesterday’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report will have heard Shel waxing lyrical (or, at least, enthusing wildly) about Rocketboom. What is Rocketboom? It’s TV news, but not as we know it, Jim. Presented by Amanda Congdon (shown in the screenshot), […]