Observer blog is just the start

The Observer newspaper in the UK started a blog last weekend, as I commented on earlier this week. Interesting snippet about what may be coming next (and probably for The Guardian, too, which owns The Observer) from Cory Doctorow on Boing Boing, recounting discussion he had with Ben Hammersley, the journalist responsible for the blog’s […]

TV moves to the internet

BBC News: MTV is launching a free "channel" on the internet that will show some of the station’s TV programmes, including reality hit The Osbournes. The MTV Overdrive website will let users with high-speed computer connections watch music videos and extended programmes on demand. The website is currently being tested and will launch fully on […]

UK newspaper wants to host blogs

“We’re looking for people who want to keep a blog or online diary for the News & Star website,” says Nick Turner, deputy editor of the Cumbria News & Star newspaper in northwest England. In a report on Thursday, Turner said, “We would like to have a diverse range of voices on our website and […]

A nice little earner

Nick Denton, the expat Brit and creator of the Gawker Media blog network, is interviewed today in the New York Times. Already lots of blog posts about the interview, many focusing on Denton’s views about the development of blogging. Sample: […] As for the blog revolution, Mr. Denton put it this way: “Give me a […]

On The Red Couch

If you’ve been following developments on The Red Couch, the place where Shel Israel and Robert Scoble are developing the content for their book on blogging, you’ll have seen some great interviews posted there in recent weeks. Those interviews form part of the content of the book’s first four chapters (there was a full table […]

Rocketboom yeah!

I have to agree with Shel – Rocketboom is very cool! Listeners to yesterday’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report will have heard Shel waxing lyrical (or, at least, enthusing wildly) about Rocketboom. What is Rocketboom? It’s TV news, but not as we know it, Jim. Presented by Amanda Congdon (shown in the screenshot), […]