Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on wit and wisdom from FIR; being stunned by Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas; the heroes from Siemens USA); nice London hotel: blogging the IABC conference; bad press for the EC and the waste of the EU; the PR, blogs and press releases mashup; MIT surveys blog usage; Todd Cochrane’s podcasting […]
Category: Podcasting
Podcasting is no fad
A tip from Constantin Basturea led me to the new travel podcast site from airline Virgin Atlantic, launched last week. Produced for Virgin Atlantic by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R and Manning Gottlieb OMD, and created by podcast producer Loudish, the first topics in a series of podcasts – guides to New York – is available […]
iTunes gives you podcasts on a plate
Apple has now released iTunes 4.9, the new version that supports podcasts. I’ve installed it and tried it – and it rocks. Let me tell you – for podcasters and podcast listeners, this is what simplicity looks like. With literally just a couple of mouse clicks you can subscribe to a podcast within iTunes, get […]
iTunes podcatcher already makes an impact
The release of iTunes 4.9 a few days ago and its podcatching capability is already having an effect on downloads of For Immediate Release, the bi-weekly business podcast that Shel and I present. Just looking at the download and referrer stats in LibSyn, our file hosting service, shows a very interesting difference already in which […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #46: June 30, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on iTunes 4.9 and bandwidth, IABC Cafe posts, blogging the Nortel AGM); podcasts and Polish sausage; the launch of iTunes 4.9; Virgin Atlantic’s New York podcasts; PR Week UK talks about blogs; IABC International Conference; IABC Fellows; FIR celebrates 50 shows on July 14. Show notes for June 30, 2005 Welcome […]
New resource for business podcasts
My podcasting co-presenter Shel has started a new resource page on The New PR Wiki to list business podcasts in one convenient location. I’ve just added a couple to the list; if you know of any, please add them. The New PR Wiki | Business Podcast List
Apple podcast subscriptions top a million in two days
In just two days, people using the new version of iTunes have subscribed to more than a million podcasts, TechWeb News reported late yesterday. On Tuesday, Apple launched iTunes 4.9, the latest version of the free digital music player software, that includes support for podcasting. For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, the bi-weekly […]
Steve Rubel’s first podcast
Sunday morning is a great time to listen to podcasts, new discoveries as well as a favourite or two as I sip my cuppa (Dave Winer’s Morning Coffee Notes is a great accompaniment with the first cup of tea). This morning, I’ve listened to one new one – Steve Rubel’s first podcast which he recorded […]
Book review podcast: Todd Cochrane’s Podcasting
A few weeks ago, I received the copy of Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane that I’d ordered from Amazon UK. As a business podcaster myself and a regular listener to Todd’s podcast, Geek News Central, I wondered how Todd’s book on podcasting would address the topic. Well, he’s done an excellent […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #47: July 4, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (positive opinions about podcasts; negative opinions about Virgin’s New York podcasts; sans-serif fonts and the new generation; is open source marketing open?; a suggestion for FIR #50; mixing a genuine CEO blogger with a fake Toyota Yaris blog); Six Apart upgrades TypePad; call for ideas for blogging IABC’s next conference; Steve […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #48: July 7, 2005
Content summary: The London bombings; communication plan for new media available for download; listeners’ comments (on mixing a real CEO blogger with a fake blog; explaining open source marketing; critical analysis of Virgin’s New York podcasts; political PR in the US and EU; a new podcast browser); report on raising awareness in the UK about […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #49: July 11, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on credibility, trust and relationships; bloggers should ask first; get over show length; speed up the blog; iTunes and subscribing to the show); iTunes, podcasting and RSS concerns; countering a view that podcasts are a fad; the London bombings and the milestone role of citizen journalism; what African bloggers say about […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #50: July 14, 2005
Content summary: 50th anniversary greetings; listeners’ comments (podcasting won’t disappear, iTunes problems; an interview suggestion; the power and passion of podcasting; providing insight on podcasting); weblog design confuses visitors; CBS News editorial blog and the BBC’s open source developments; dissatisfied Dell and Land Rover customers who have blogs. Show notes for July 14, 2005 Welcome […]
Voting starts for Podcast Awards
Voting in the first Podcast Awards contest opens today. Thanks to support from many of our listeners, For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report is among the sites listed in the Business category. We’re in some excellent company, as the full category slate shows: BBC Radio 4 In Business For Immediate Release Media Artist […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #51: July 18, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (more 50th show congrats; do one topic; intercontinental collaboration; a milestone and keep going; the word is getting out; seeking PR feedback; more on blog design and usability; the power of the blog for customers; monitoring and tracking blogs); Adrian Melrose and his Land Rover, continued; advice from GM to would-be […]
Doc Searls starts podcasting
At just over six minutes long, Doc Searls made his first podcast yesterday. Just music and some informal chit-chat including with his little helper (listen and you’ll hear). Why is he doing this? Here’s what Doc says about three and a half minutes into the ‘cast: I have to start podcasting, this is really what […]
Mobile phone growth key driver for videocasting
Mobile phone sales will exceed one billion handsets a year by 2009 as they become the most common consumer electronics device with 2.6 billion people worldwide using one by then, according to a survey by IT industry analysts Gartner published yesterday, says a Reuters report. Many of these devices will be smartphones with big colour […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #52: July 21, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on videocasting; success with iTunes; codes of ethics; blogging about Dell and Land Rover; concerns about Technorati); Canon’s new tool; Blinkx TV and Smartfeed; BlogPulse relaunched website; Global Blog8Live launches; helping Shari Kerzrok; Land Rover customer dissatisfaction campaign; PR Week on podcasting; report from the Spinfluencer; RSS advertising in Europe; […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #53: July 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on winning credibility in the blogosphere); Land Rover campaign update; road testing BlogPulse Profiles; Fast Company’s blog jam; talent and innovation depart Ford and Hewlett-Packard; an interview with Intelliseek about BlogPulse and BrandPulse; new data from Pew; AdCandy’s open approach; pledge for digital rights in Europe; PodcastCon UK; CNET podcasts; […]
Don’t believe everything you read in the media
I like listening to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code as background listening as I’m working. That’s how I usually listen to radio – background listening while I’m doing something else. So it is for me with podcasts like the DSC, which I play on a PC in my office and listen to through the PC’s […]