The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #45: June 27, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on wit and wisdom from FIR; being stunned by Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas; the heroes from Siemens USA); nice London hotel: blogging the IABC conference; bad press for the EC and the waste of the EU; the PR, blogs and press releases mashup; MIT surveys blog usage; Todd Cochrane’s podcasting […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #46: June 30, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on iTunes 4.9 and bandwidth, IABC Cafe posts, blogging the Nortel AGM); podcasts and Polish sausage; the launch of iTunes 4.9; Virgin Atlantic’s New York podcasts; PR Week UK talks about blogs; IABC International Conference; IABC Fellows; FIR celebrates 50 shows on July 14. Show notes for June 30, 2005 Welcome […]

Steve Rubel’s first podcast

Sunday morning is a great time to listen to podcasts, new discoveries as well as a favourite or two as I sip my cuppa (Dave Winer’s Morning Coffee Notes is a great accompaniment with the first cup of tea). This morning, I’ve listened to one new one – Steve Rubel’s first podcast which he recorded […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #47: July 4, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (positive opinions about podcasts; negative opinions about Virgin’s New York podcasts; sans-serif fonts and the new generation; is open source marketing open?; a suggestion for FIR #50; mixing a genuine CEO blogger with a fake Toyota Yaris blog); Six Apart upgrades TypePad; call for ideas for blogging IABC’s next conference; Steve […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #48: July 7, 2005

Content summary: The London bombings; communication plan for new media available for download; listeners’ comments (on mixing a real CEO blogger with a fake blog; explaining open source marketing; critical analysis of Virgin’s New York podcasts; political PR in the US and EU; a new podcast browser); report on raising awareness in the UK about […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #49: July 11, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on credibility, trust and relationships; bloggers should ask first; get over show length; speed up the blog; iTunes and subscribing to the show); iTunes, podcasting and RSS concerns; countering a view that podcasts are a fad; the London bombings and the milestone role of citizen journalism; what African bloggers say about […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #50: July 14, 2005

Content summary: 50th anniversary greetings; listeners’ comments (podcasting won’t disappear, iTunes problems; an interview suggestion; the power and passion of podcasting; providing insight on podcasting); weblog design confuses visitors; CBS News editorial blog and the BBC’s open source developments; dissatisfied Dell and Land Rover customers who have blogs. Show notes for July 14, 2005 Welcome […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #51: July 18, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (more 50th show congrats; do one topic; intercontinental collaboration; a milestone and keep going; the word is getting out; seeking PR feedback; more on blog design and usability; the power of the blog for customers; monitoring and tracking blogs); Adrian Melrose and his Land Rover, continued; advice from GM to would-be […]

Doc Searls starts podcasting

At just over six minutes long, Doc Searls made his first podcast yesterday. Just music and some informal chit-chat including with his little helper (listen and you’ll hear). Why is he doing this? Here’s what Doc says about three and a half minutes into the ‘cast: I have to start podcasting, this is really what […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #52: July 21, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on videocasting; success with iTunes; codes of ethics; blogging about Dell and Land Rover; concerns about Technorati); Canon’s new tool; Blinkx TV and Smartfeed; BlogPulse relaunched website; Global Blog8Live launches; helping Shari Kerzrok; Land Rover customer dissatisfaction campaign; PR Week on podcasting; report from the Spinfluencer; RSS advertising in Europe; […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #53: July 25, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on winning credibility in the blogosphere); Land Rover campaign update; road testing BlogPulse Profiles; Fast Company’s blog jam; talent and innovation depart Ford and Hewlett-Packard; an interview with Intelliseek about BlogPulse and BrandPulse; new data from Pew; AdCandy’s open approach; pledge for digital rights in Europe; PodcastCon UK; CNET podcasts; […]