Windows Media Player 10 ditched

Windows Media Player 10 drives me nuts. So I’ve uninstalled it and rolled back to Windows Media Player 9. I don’t have anything against MP 10 per se. Indeed, when it came out I wrote a positive post about it. It’s a good evolution of the player with lots of additional and improved functionality to […]

Little gems for customizing Windows

RSS really is an effective way to quickly find out about things. Thinking about the Windows look and feel – as you do from time to time – and just glancing through my RSS feeds this lunchtime turned up these two litle gems: Two posts, from Dvorak Uncensored and Scobleizer, took me to a really […]

New validation process for Windows?

In the previous post today, I wrote about the Microsoft Time Zone utility. Here’s a very interesting thing that happens when you go to download it. When you get to the web page and click on the download link, you see the following: Before obtaining the requested download, please take a moment to validate your […]

Firefox security update patch

Neowin reported today that Mozilla has released a security update for the Firefox browser. A notice on the Mozilla website urges users to upgrade to this latest version of the Firefox Preview Release. A patch is available for current Preview Release users. Mozilla | Important Security Update for Firefox Available

Google: No to browser, Yes to more search

Detailed report in today’s Financial Times about Google. On whether Google is going to launch its own browser: Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, [John Doerr, one of Google’s non-executive directors] denied recent speculation that Google was planning to launch its own internet browser, to compete with Microsoft’s dominant Internet Explorer. On […]

Windows your way

If you want your Windows without things like Windows Messenger, Internet Explorer or Outlook Express, here’s your opportunity. Dino Nuhagic, a programmer in Croatia, has written nLite Windows Installation Customizer that lets you install Windows 2000, XP or 2003 without including such components. The program’s still in beta and the usual caveats apply if you […]

Portable Firefox for your USB drive

Early last month, I posted info on how to run a normal Firefox installation from a USB flash drive. There’s now an even better solution – install a version of Firefox that’s been created specifically for running on a flash drive. John Haller, CEO of Rare Ideas LLC, has repackaged Firefox 0.9.3 and 1.0PR as […]

Google launches desktop search

Get it now – the Google desktop, a means to search through files, emails, instant messenger conversations and your browser cache. My quick run through with it last night shows that it knocks the socks off the search feature in Windows XP. In combination with Google’s web search capabilities, this desktop app could be a […]

Paint Shop Pro acquired by Corel

Jasc Software, maker of the venerable graphics program Paint Shop Pro, has been acquired by Corel, publisher of CorelDraw and WordPerfect. Jasc recently announced version 9 of Paint Shop Pro. Yesterday, Corel issued a press release announcing the acquisition. Corel also published a letter to customers on Jasc’s website, using it as an opportunity to […]

Cool RSS web stickies

Playing with an interesting little web app – Webnote. Here’s what it is: Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available. You start by creating a workspace and creating notes […]

Google Desktop looks a winner

Since the new Google Desktop search tool was announced last week (see post), I’ve been using it exclusively when I need to search for a particular file or email on my PC. No question – this beats Windows XP’s search function hands down, as I mentioned in my post last week. It’s pretty intuitive and […]

Two cool things re Gmail

Since starting with Gmail, I’ve found two very cool things: 1. Gmail address/signature graphic generator. I’ve noticed a little graphic on a number of blogs that shows an email address, all done in a nice way with the Gmail logo. I want one of those, too! So I found this great site that generates your […]

Making Windows how you want it

So I was reading a post by Jeff Sandquist, linked from Scoble, about the forthcoming Konfabulator for Windows, a port of the rather neat Mac OS X app that lets you run widgets on your desktop (details about Konfabulator here). Of course, Mac users have had access to such cool tools for ages. But so […]

Get your bookmarks into Firefox

If you have a bookmark/favorites collection in the excellent online social bookmarks manager, and you use the Firefox browser, here’s a very neat Firefox extension that enables you to integrate your collection into your Firefox bookmarks. Dietrich Ayala| Foxylicious – Firefox and bookmark integration Thanks to Robin Good for the news. Additional […]

Damn small Linux

Forget putting just Firefox on your USB flash drive when you can put the whole operating system on it. If you use Linux, you can do this. Your Linux Information Source | Linux on your USB key (Via Neowin)

New RSS reader targets bloggers

There’s a new RSS reader on the market – Blog Navigator. Folllowing beta testing for the past few months, Stardock – about whom I’ve posted on their Windows customization apps – released version 1.0 yesterday. From the press release: Blog Navigator is a program designed to make it easy for users who enjoy reading blogs […]