BBC innovation to annotate audio content

The BBC is involved in some major innovation for audio-visual content management that looks far beyond the needs of only a mainstream broadcaster. Tom Coates writes a detailed post describing the BBC’s Annotatable Audio Project, an experimental internal-BBC-only project designed to allow you to collectively describe, segment and annotate audio in a Wikipedia-style fashion. He […]

Les Blogs 2.0 kicks off today

The Les Blogs 2.0 conference in Paris formally starts today and runs until Tuesday evening. The event is completely sold out. Lots already been going on over the weekend, judging from the rapidly-growing Technorati tag list. What’s the event about? Absorb this, from Loic’s opening remarks: […] We believe there is a revolution going-on. We […]

Video publishing and other cool things

Interesting developments with video, blogs and mobile phones. Videos of the panel sessions at Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris earlier this month are now available from, a new video publishing venture from entrepreneur Rodrigo SepĂșlveda. You can stream the video (amazing quality) or download the files (big, +/- 200 megs each). (Now’s your chance […]