Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (blog comment moderation; alternatives to British Airways; FedEx the new ‘blogger Satan’; iPod display; news about Furl; why Hill & Knowlton started employee blogging; spicing up web pages; Skype for business calls; cool Jyve; smart Segway; Audacity and ID3); new audio recording equipment; no credibility for anonymous blogger; Cruisebox kick […]
Category: Web/Tech
Rupert Murdoch’s long tail play
Financial Times: Rupert Murdoch has put two more internet companies on News Corporation’s list of desired acquisitions: Blinkx and IGN Entertainment. […] Talks to buy video search engine Blinkx are under way. IGN, a video gaming company considering an initial public offering or a sale, is also under consideration and could be valued at up […]
WordPress starts hosted blogging service
Announced at Blog Business Summit in San Francisco today – WordPress, the open-source (and free) blog publishing platform, has started a hosted blog publishing service. To participate, you need an invitation. What will the offering be? Free, like Blogger? Paid, like TypePad? No details yet but undoubtedly more will emerge very soon. (Hat tip: DL […]
Podcast about PodcastCon UK
Nicole Simon interviewed me yesterday as the first in a series of podcast interviews she’s doing in preparation for PodcastCon UK, the first conference in Europe dedicated to podcasting. I’m one of the presenters. Our conversation is about 27 minutes. Nicole’s notes, direct download link and RSS feed link here. Nearly 100 people have now […]
They shall be heard!
Big news in Canada during the past few weeks has been a major labour dispute at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) which has seen programming disrupted as CBC has locked out many of the journalists and presenters from the workplace. So what’s this about? Not much on the CBC website to clearly explain it. As […]
The window of opportunity for Google
Google has launched version 2.0 of Google Desktop, the free software that lets you do a load of things from your PC in addition to searching for files. ‘Loads of things’ is the key phrase. This is far, far beyond purely search as the screenshots show. Focused on a sidebar or dashboard, the new Google […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #61: August 22, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (Josh buys a podcast rig; no problem with anonymous blogging; big thanks to FIR listeners); locked-out CBC employees with podcasts; an interview from the CBC picket line; Share your Story success; PodcastCon UK starts interviews; IABC Belgium starts a blog; no, your email is not private; get used to hearing […]
Webinar: Blogs and internal communication
If you have responsibility for internal communication and want to find out how you can use blogs effectively within your organization, you might want to consider participating in a 90-minute webinar on Wednesday 31 August in which I will be one of the speakers. Blogs and their implications on internal communication – are you ready […]
Around the blog in Paris
A one-day conference is being organized in Paris on 11 October designed to introduce participants to communication tools complementary to blogs such as RSS, podcasting, videocasting and tracking/buzz measurement – all elements of participatory communication. Set up as a series of informal roundtables, the event is being organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of […]
Net chaos in Amsterdam
Since about midday yesterday, Wednesday, I’ve been without net access along with several hundred other people in the part of Amsterdam where I am. Still no service this morning. No dial-up any more: none of my PCs has the capability to connect to the net via a normal phone line (how we progress!). So I’m […]
Google talks about big change
Before the internet disappeared on me yesterday, I was able to try out the new Google Talk VOiP phone service launched by Google yesterday. After downloading the application and installing it (for Windows only at the moment), I chatted with Fredrik in Sweden. While just one use of the service clearly isn’t a good basis […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #62: August 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (Google Talk; being offline for 24 hours; briefer show notes and iTunes Chapter Tool; CBC’s ad structure;; show links; FIR brings Dan the news); Ziepod; Max Hansen reports from Blog Business Summit; Jeff Jarvis gets a result; Eric Schwartzman’s Spinfluencer report; CBC follow-up. Show notes for August 25, 2005 […]
Movable Type 3.2 launched
After months of beta testing, Six Apart launched version 3.2 of its Movable Type blog publishing and management system yesterday. Boasting a wide range of new and improved features, this version offers static or dynamic publishing; built-in support for multiple authors, blogs, categories, and templates; automatic archiving and publishing of XML feeds; and better platform […]
Today’s rich biz-tech miscellany
A ten-minute scan of the headlines of the RSS feeds in my business and technology channels in FeedDemon produced this list of candidates that looks worth exploring: An Anchor by Evening, a Blogger Any Time Analysts: Google’s Talk Move May Shake the Market Blog tools tackle content management Carly Fiorina to Write Tell-All Customer Evangelism […]
Communication innovation with podcasting
Shel Holtz, my co-host of the For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report bi-weekly business podcast, has achieved another first success in the innovative use of a new-media communication channel. Available now is the first podcast Shel has produced for The Conference Board for their forthcoming 2005 Corporate Communication and Technology Conference which takes […]
Biz-Tech Headlines 27-Aug-05
As Blogging Grows, Companies Eye Legal Pitfalls BBC plans to put channels on net Blogger sued for comments others left on his blog Getting Real About Podcast Adoption New Web copyright tool to exclude non-IE users NewsGator Opens Online API to Public PayPal co-founder readies photo-sharing service Personal Search Site Adds Blogs Pixar Faces Informal […]
New Movable Type disappoints
I’ve spent a bit of time this weekend upgrading my Movable Type experimental blog to the latest MT version 3.2 released on 25 August. Installation of the new version was pretty smooth, no real issues with it, thanks to the excellent installation guide in the new 3.2 manual. I do have issues, though, with expectations […]
Blog spam is relentless
Since I implemented comment and trackback moderation on this blog a couple of weeks ago, the amount of spam I’ve been getting has steadily increased. Now it’s averaging between three and five such hits every day. May not sound much at all in the context of the overall blogosphere, but that adds up to at […]
Mark your diary for Les Blogs 2.0
Following the success of Les Blogs, the one-day conference that took place in Paris last April, Loic le Meur is organizing Les Blogs 2.0 which will take place in Paris as a two-day conference on 5 and 6 December. I’m honoured to be working with Loic and others in an advisory role to help plan […]
Survey: RSS on the rise among key influencers
Last week Nooked, the RSS search engine and directory of corporate RSS feeds, published the aggregated results of two connected surveys they conducted in March. The first survey aimed to learn more about how industry analysts, journalists and bloggers use RSS; the second, to determine the rate of adoption of RSS in the PR/marketing arena. […]