DW qo’: wa’maH ben chen ‘ach wej Doy’

German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has launched a Klingon-language website. “With its new 31st language, Klingon, DW has expanded its multi-medial offerings beyond our solar system,” the broadcaster says (with a perfectly straight face). The Klingon-language website includes an introduction to Germany – “Germany is a country located in sector 001 of the planet Earth…” – […]

Firefox passes 1m downloads

From Spread Firefox: In just under 100 hours, we have smashed through our one million download campaign – with 6 days still to go! This is the fastest adoption rate we have ever experienced, higher than every previous Firefox release. This refers to one million copies of Firefox 1.0 Preview Release downloaded between its release […]

Amazon’s cool A9 search engine

This looks very, very nice – the new A9 search engine from Amazon. Wow! Features galore to customize how it looks and feels and how it searches. It’s closely connected with Amazon, so if you already have an account with Amazon, you can log in and personalize your A9. Description from A9: A9.com is a […]

Net security threats growing fast

More than 30,000 PCs per day are being recruited into secret networks that spread spam and viruses, a study shows. According to a BBC News report today, it’s too early to say whether the Service Pack 2 update for Windows XP will make a positive difference to the numbers of PCs being compromised. The report […]

Windows XP SP2 CD is everywhere

On a visit to my neighbourhood news store this morning, I noticed that the rack with all the computer magazines is chock full of mags sporting a cover-mounted Windows XP SP2 upgrade CD. What’s interesting about this is that these magazines aren’t just from The Netherlands – in addition, there are mags from Germany, France, […]

Outlook and Hotmail to get a separation

A report on Bink.nu says that Microsoft is un-enabling access to Hotmail from within Outlook and Outlook Express: Citing concerns about spammers abusing the service, Microsoft on Monday will announce that it is dropping a feature from its Hotmail service that currently allows non-paying customers to access their email from Outlook and Outlook Express. The […]

New validation process for Windows?

In the previous post today, I wrote about the Microsoft Time Zone utility. Here’s a very interesting thing that happens when you go to download it. When you get to the web page and click on the download link, you see the following: Before obtaining the requested download, please take a moment to validate your […]

Microsoft’s real-time collaboration plans

The Register published an interview yesterday with Anoop Gupta, Corporate Vice President of the Real-Time Collaboration Business Unit at Microsoft. Geek-focused stuff. But some interesting things that PR, marketing and other communication professionals should pay attention to. Excerpts: Real-time collaboration is basically anything that involves instant-messenger style presence. And the fact that Bill Gates’ former […]

The dotcom era saved for posterity

All those failed start-ups from the dotcom boom will live on, because the University of Maryland and the US Library of Congress see value in saving their records for posterity in a massive digital archive, InternetWeek.com reports: “We want to let today’s entrepreneurs learn from the mistakes,” said the archive project’s lead researcher, David Kirsch, […]

Firefox security update patch

Neowin reported today that Mozilla has released a security update for the Firefox browser. A notice on the Mozilla website urges users to upgrade to this latest version of the Firefox Preview Release. A patch is available for current Preview Release users. Mozilla | Important Security Update for Firefox Available