33% of IT jobs are Microsoft-related

An IDC study commissioned by Microsoft reveals the impact of the software industry on European economies, The Register reports. In 19 countries surveyed (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey and the UK) nine million people are employed in the IT […]

Apple’s blog-like website

Take a look at the start page of Apple’s updated website. Very blog like with its chronologically-ordered information and XML buttons for subscribing to RSS webfeeds. Apple | Start While it’s not a blog by the accepted definition (no commenting nor trackbacks, for instance), this is a good indicator of how the current differentiators between […]

Business models for blog technologies

David Teten and Scott Allan of Online Business Networks have written a useful article on Twelve Business Models for Blog Technologies. Some interesting ideas if you’re thinking about business or investment opportunities around blogging. Summary: Traditional businesses leveraging blogs: Individual virtual presence – the use of a blog to enhance your visibility and professional reputation. […]

UK online media body looks at blogging and P2P

The UK’s Association of Online Publishers (AOP) is forming a working group to help members address trends in web content, such as blogging and peer-to-peer networks, reports dotJournalism. AOP is an industry body formed in 2002 to present a unified voice to industry and government, representing about 130 online publishers in the UK. Its board […]

New knowledge portal for communicators launched

Communitelligence.com launched this week as the first global knowledge-sharing portal aimed at improving organizational and human communication. The site is being built and supported by global communication leaders, associations, schools and businesses linked to the common goals of elevating the profession and sharing best practices that can make all forms of communication more effective. The […]

Six Apart gets more VC funding

The future is looking rosy for Six Apart, the company behind the TypePad blog hosting service (the one I use) and the Movable Type blog publishing platform. Business 2.0 journalist Om Malik published an exclusive announcement on his blog yesterday stating that Six Apart is about to secure more venture funding in their series B […]

Google: No to browser, Yes to more search

Detailed report in today’s Financial Times about Google. On whether Google is going to launch its own browser: Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, [John Doerr, one of Google’s non-executive directors] denied recent speculation that Google was planning to launch its own internet browser, to compete with Microsoft’s dominant Internet Explorer. On […]

Podcasting defined

Scoble’s linkblog points to a good definition of podcasting from Wikipedia: Podcasting is the creation and aggregation of discrete, downloadable media files. Typically, audio files are created on a computer and then uploaded to a web server on the Internet. An RSS 2.0 feed with enclosure tags is then amended each time a new media […]

Windows your way

If you want your Windows without things like Windows Messenger, Internet Explorer or Outlook Express, here’s your opportunity. Dino Nuhagic, a programmer in Croatia, has written nLite Windows Installation Customizer that lets you install Windows 2000, XP or 2003 without including such components. The program’s still in beta and the usual caveats apply if you […]

A lot of Skype

I just logged into Skype and noticed that there are 944,402 users online. That’s the most I’ve seen in one go. An awful lot of people! While the peer-to-peer concept spreads network load, I wonder what would happen if all those people made a Skype call at the same time. Ultra unlikely, I know, but […]

Portable Firefox for your USB drive

Early last month, I posted info on how to run a normal Firefox installation from a USB flash drive. There’s now an even better solution – install a version of Firefox that’s been created specifically for running on a flash drive. John Haller, CEO of Rare Ideas LLC, has repackaged Firefox 0.9.3 and 1.0PR as […]