This morning, I was looking at some of the photos uploaded to Flickr by many of the 257 people who participated in Les Blogs. Some great photos, and a pleasure to view them. It isn’t so much the photos themselves that’s caught my attention, though. What did that is an amazing number – 1,200. That’s […]
Category: Weblogs
RSS feed hijack!
A very peculiar thing with the RSS feeds for some of the blogs that I read has happened since yesterday. I use FeedDemon version 1.5 (the latest version). If you’re familiar with FeedDemon, you’ll know that you have channel groups that contain individual channels (the RSS feeds) of blogs you select to receive the feeds. […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #28: April 28, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on featuring FIR, snarkiness by Business Week, having a guest host for the show, archiving and broadcasting audio input, blogs that float in outer space, audio blog summaries, syndicating RSS feeds, yet more on character blogs, doing promos like Adam Curry, searching podcasts by keywords); a broad review of Les Blogs; […]
Who said what at Les Blogs
Constantin Basturea has put together an excellent listing of posts, podcasts and video clips that bloggers have posted about Les Blogs. The lengthy listing includes lots of posts on each of the presentation sessions – very useful seeing all this together. Far easier to find things than via the Technorati tag. That’s excellent, but it […]
Podcasting is disruptive for radio advertising
Fast Company: Podcasting is the newest disruptive technology threatening traditional radio — and making the satellite guys nervous, too. Intro to a well-written short piece in Fast Company on the threat podcasting presents to radio, which also says: Podcasting has the makings of an audio version of the blog phenomenon, allowing any bum with a […]
Tips and tricks for corporate blogging
The cover story about blogs in last week’s Business Week (magazine cover date today, 2 May) has been widely commented on in blogs around the world. For instance, a Technorati search of blogs that link to the cover story shows over 170 blog posts so far. Even more interesting, though, is seeing the conversation thread […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #29: May 2, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on communication strategy, measurement, champagne and tea "from our Australian correspondent"; on communication impact of blogs; podcasting at Les Blogs; identifing a blog author; equipment for mobile podcasting); Doc Searls at Les Blogs; Business Week’s cover story on blogs; lots of developments with podcasting; upcoming interviews in May; suggestions for co-hosts […]
Integrating blogs with PR and marketing
First there was Business Week featuring Steve Rubel in their cover story on blogs last week, complete with full-page photo. That feature evangelizes blogs, exploring the business perspective in quite a different way to other recent mainstream media reporting, and in a far more relevant way for the business reader. Today, the Wall Street Journal […]
Clued and clueless
Jeremy Pepper has posted a great interview with US tech journalist Dan Gillmor, probably best known for his seminal work We The Media. Two comments Dan makes in the interview leapt out at me: I can reiterate my plea that PR folks focus hard – on the behalf of their clients – on putting anything […]
On the road
Light posting ahead until the weekend as I’ll be in the UK for the next few days. A client meeting, catching up with some friends for dinner and something quite special. Next month, I’m co-leading a session about new media channels such as blogs at the Communication Directors Forum. This stellar event takes place on […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #30: May 5, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the Paris Hilton podcast, Adam Curry’s and Ron Bloom’s strategy cast, how podcasts can keep you from getting a traffic ticket, saving shows on a dedicated hard disk, the Business Week blogging cover story – from Business Week – and corporate vs. blogs vs. trade media); downloading sound clips from […]
The price of evangelism
During my trip to the UK last week, I had the pleasure of meeting up with some friends for dinner on one evening and, on another, a dinner with fellow speakers for a conference at which I’ll be speaking next month. Two excellent and enjoyable business/social events yet with some great contrasts in mindsets and […]
Upcoming geek dinner in London
Note for your diary – Tuesday 7 June in London. Geek dinner hosted by Hugh McLeod and Robert Scoble “for anyone interested in meeting up and talking about cool stuff.” Sounds like my kind of event, and already some interesting people going, so I’ll be there! Lloyd Davis has started a wiki so you can […]
A nice little earner
Nick Denton, the expat Brit and creator of the Gawker Media blog network, is interviewed today in the New York Times. Already lots of blog posts about the interview, many focusing on Denton’s views about the development of blogging. Sample: […] As for the blog revolution, Mr. Denton put it this way: “Give me a […]
Web Pro News posts with links to comments
Since last December, many of the posts I publish in this blog have been re-published by Web Pro News through an informal agreement we have. Both of us benefit from this symbiosis – they get articles and I get visitors. Overall, I’ve been very pleased with our relationship and how it’s developed during the past […]
On The Red Couch
If you’ve been following developments on The Red Couch, the place where Shel Israel and Robert Scoble are developing the content for their book on blogging, you’ll have seen some great interviews posted there in recent weeks. Those interviews form part of the content of the book’s first four chapters (there was a full table […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #31: May 9, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on being talked about at the New York geek dinner, sound clip joke, URL misdirecting to Microsoft home page, making PR accessible, podcasts and Podscope); what Paris Hilton could have done with her podcast; the occasional conflict between corporate communications and marketing; political podcast interviews at the UK general election; retrofitting […]
Social software: Out of the lab and into mass culture
As someone who’s more into the ‘fusion cuisine’ side of new communication tools and channels rather than the theoretical/cerebral analysis side, I tend not to spend an extraordinary amount of time in digesting long essays and white papers about new media or social networks. Give me the executive summary every time. That changed this morning. […]
Poke holes in the membrane
Why does corporate blogging work? To get a clue, you could read the Cluetrain Manifesto. Or, listen to Hugh McLeod who explains it all. I agree with the afterthoughts in Hugh’s post – this concept works internally, within the organization, as well as externally. Actually, reading Cluetrain is worth your time as well. At least […]
Constantin’s delicious links
I missed seeing this when it started last week (been away and still getting fully back up to speed) – Constantin Basturea‘s excellent digest. Here’s Constantin’s deal: 1. the selection of headlines and the comments are, well, mine (I don’t claim objectivity)2. you’ll (also) get links to postings from outside the PR BlogLand, but […]