The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #35: May 23, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Rush Limbaugh podcasting, building trust for a blog, tech issues with podcasts and iPods, guest hosting FIR, creating an RSS feed for blog comments); Kensington lock hack follow up; a savage view of Naked Conversations; favourite podcasts and how to produce them; Flash-ing round workplace restrictions on browsers and aggregators; […]

Time pressure…

Imagine – no real time to blog! That’s been where I’ve been at all this week, hence pretty light posting in recent days. No signs of that improving, sorry to say, until early next week. This is also affecting my ability to respond promptly to comments left on various posts. Lots of great conversation-starters, and […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #36: May 26, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Autodesk’s blog and podcast combo; which non-tech companies use blogs; how to structure Desert Island Discs); podcasting in the news: going mainstream; Blogebrity and reality or not; looking for writers via blog posts; the virtues of print; RSS comes to Microsoft’s Knowledge base; the London geek mega-dinner next month. Show […]

When travel isn’t pretty

Regular listeners to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report will know that my co-presenter, Shel Holtz, travels a lot. Much more than I do at the moment. In fact, during the past month, Shel’s co-presented our show from the road on six occasions. And there’s more travel for him coming up in June. […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #37: May 30, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on podcast vertigo and rich media search; full-content RSS feeds are the way to go; garbled ID3 tags); getting on an email blacklist – and getting off it; more Naked Conversations; tips on presentations; Flash-based RSS aggregator; good and bad business podcast listening; Flash-based media players and MP3 files; Desert Island […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #38: June 2, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on how to track podcast listeners); fighting email spam – an open source PR project; US government PR gaffe; blogging as a corporate job; more podcasting developments; Boeing’s test pilots’ blog; stealing RSS content. Show notes for June 2, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #39: June 6, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on starting a podcast; Boeing’s blogging guidelines; full-time vs. part-time blogging; broken headsets; PR advice for the US government); keeping political commentary away; what’s next for Europe?; Lee’s 4 learnings; finding out who listens; podcasting growth and Apple’s lead; new books on podcasting; guest co-presenter for the next show; some of […]

How was it for you?

Great event last night – the London geek dinner. At least 180 people there from how I judged it. This must have been the first and biggest such event in the UK, and maybe in Europe. How was it? Well, for my part, I met some really great people, many I’ve know only online. Lots […]

The days are numbered for ‘gatekeeper’ journalism

Journalism is the rightful guardian of disclosure of news and information, and what should be disclosed and what shouldn’t, and has a duty and a right to maintain that position. That’s my interpretation of a very interesting discussion point in John Humphreys’ opening address at the Communication Directors Forum conference on Wednesday evening. The conference […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report: Podcast #40 – June 9, 2005

Content summary: Introducing our co-host, Sam Whitmore; Listeners’ comments (on a new iPod-focused wiki and the work involved in creating audio comments); consequences of the isolation of print publications from their online staffs; Neville’s introductory comments from London, including a discussion about an airline survey; the hard-dollar return from online sales and its potential to […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #41: June 13, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the linear nature of podcasts, RBLs, organizing thoughts about podcasts); guidelines for employee blogging; the Communication Directors Forum; communication measurement; what if the novelty of blogging wears off?; blogging and engagement; sans-serif or serif fonts?; rebuilding trust; blogs for tourism; the Ragan Corporate Communicators Conference; IABC International Conference; Global PR […]

Can Ketchum walk the new media talk?

I was reading the press release issued yesterday by Ketchum Public Relations announcing their new service offering called Ketchum Personalized Media: "a global service that advises organizations to know how, why and when to integrate the growing roster of online and wireless media – from blogs and podcasts to mobile marketing – into their overall […]