Liechtenstein re-branded

The tiny European country of Liechtenstein is just about to relaunch itself on the world having had a makeover session from the brand consultants. — report today from Reuters. View video report (2m 13 secs): | Liechtenstein Rebranded (If the link above doesn’t work, go to and navigate from there.)

Olympic organization feats

Watching the spectacular 2004 Olympic Games opening ceremony on TV last night got me thinking about the organization behind it all. The sheer feat of putting together the 2½ hour event deserves admiration and congratulations to everyone involved for its success. 72,000 people in the new olympic stadium, representatives of the teams from 202 countries […]

Corporate blog list: Is there one?

I spent some time today with Google, Yahoo, MSN, Technorati, various wikis, websites and blogs in trying to find a listing of corporate blogs. I looked at WSJ, Fast Company, Business 2.0, the Guardian, Business Week and I can’t remember how many others. Lots of results but not what I’m looking for. Is there a […]

Corporate blog list: Yes, there is one!

Yesterday, I posted a plea for information on a list of corporate blogs. I quickly heard from Constantin Basturea that he’s started such a list in the Resources section of the New PR Wiki. Please visit and add your knowledge! The New PR Wiki – Resources.CEOBlogsList

Disclosure – more, please

Canadian journalist David Akin has done something on his blog that I’d like to see on more blogs written by journalists – a detailed disclosure of who pays for his blog. In David’s case, he goes into some detail to say that nobody does; he lists some relationships he has with various organizations to do […]

Flying blog

Lunchtime break, good time to review what’s come in on RSS over the past couple of hours. Reading a news item on the BBC about Global Flyer, the jet plane in which US adventurer Steve Fossett plans to fly non-stop around the world early next year without refuelling. The high-profile backer of Global Flyer is […]

RSS gets down to business

RSS is moving into the business realm with the release this week of RSSCalendar, a free web-based service for sharing calendar data over the Internet, CNET News reports. Developer John Pacchetti released a trial version of RSSCalendar last month. The service allows a user to convert and publish calendar data as an RSS feed. Friends, […]

A bit of a jam

While unfortunate for all the people involved, this is the kind of news report that you want to read at the end of a busy day: BERLIN (Reuters) – A German truck driver lost control of his vehicle while trying to swat a wasp and spilled his 15-ton load of jam jars on the motorway, […]

Doom 3 rocks to a high spec

My copy of Doom 3 arrived from Amazon yesterday and it was well worth the wait. Not a game for everyone, though. It’s 18-rated (M in the US) and maker iD Software describes it as “Doom 3 is a terrifying sci-fi horror game experience. It is not recommended for the cowardly or the faint of […]

A Real music battle

Real Networks mounts a big challenge to Apple’s iTunes in an effort to win market share at Apple’s expense, according to a BBC News report yesterday: BBC NEWS | Business | Real in online music price war Then, one post by Steve Rubel on his Micro Persuasion blog reported that Real had set up a […]

RSS on your phone with iFeedYou

I discovered a new (to me) RSS service with a difference. Swiss-based iFeedYou offers access to various RSS webfeeds much as some other web-based RSS services do. Where iFeedYou adds value is that you can also view your RSS webfeeds from your mobile phone (WAP or iMode) or a PDA. Looks interesting. How does it […]

Google cuts IPO price

In a sign that Google’s initial public offering isn’t as popular as expected, the Internet search engine has slashed the price range for its IPO and reduced the size of the issue, according to a Wall Street Journal report today. The surprise announcement, made in an email to investors, dramatically changes the size of the […]

Viral marketing ‘backfire’

The Register reported yesterday on a marketing campaign to promote the latest version of the Resident Evil PlayStation 2 game which provoked a panic about the spread of a non-existent mobile phone virus. Phone users have received unsolicited SMS text messages on their mobile phones telling them they are infected by the so-called T-Virus. The […]

Biometric passports on the way

CNET News reports that a number of countries are about to launch trials of passports and visas that incorporate basic biometric information about the document holder alongside the traditional photo and passport number – data such as a digital image of the citizen’s face that will be compared to a facial scan taken at the […]

Yahoo! launches corporate blog

Yahoo! launched a blog yesterday. The first post is an intro by Jeff Weiner, SVP Yahoo! Search & Marketplace, so it’s kicked off with a solid business/customer focus. And, the blog starts out with commenting and trackbacks enabled. Yahoo! Search blog On his personal blog, Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! (Finance) has an FAQ about the […]

Microsoft localization traps

You think selling software in multiple countries is easy? You have localized your product, your distribution infrastructure is set, support systems ready, all the elements in place, and off you go, right? Take a look at some of Microsoft’s experiences over the past 10 years, presented at a conference to address why multi-national corporations must […]

Practical blog to link PR agencies

There’s lots of discussion going on in many blogs about the uses for blogs in a corporate environment. Guillaume du Gardier, owner of PR Planet in Paris, has taken one further step and published an example of a blog that could be used for linking together a company’s PR agencies. Simple, practical and elegant. A […]