If you want to know ‘Blogging 101’ from the business perspective, a free one-hour webinar presented by business intelligence firm Intelliseek may be just what you need.
Here’s what Intelliseek say about the webinar:
In a short time, a new form of Internet content — the blog, short for “web log” — has become a powerful, prevalent and influential source of information, opinion and news (official or not). What are blogs and why do they matter? How do blogs differ from Web sites or online discussion forums? What influences blog authors? Most importantly, how can blogs be leveraged for marketing intelligence and insights? Join CMO Pete Blackshaw for an enlightening discussion of the blogging phemoneon, including an introduction to Intelliseek’s own BlogPulse.com.
Who should attend?
> Brand and Marketing Managers
> Market Researchers and Public Opinion Professionals
> Bloggers
> Public Relations and Advertising Professionals
> Online/Interactive Marketing Professionals
When: 4-5 p.m. ET (10-11 p.m. CET)
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Register now!
Headquartered in Cincinnati, USA, Intelliseek is a is a “business intelligence company that leverages a breakthrough technology platform to help marketers, researchers and other business professionals transform unstructured data into insights” (description on their website). Info: www.intelliseek.com.
Blog Linking: It’s Important
I heard about this webinar though a post on Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion blog. It’s yet another example of Steve being at the leading edge of posting useful and very timely information that has value. I don’t visit Steve’s blog every two minutes; rather, his is one of the online information resources I track through RSS (concise definition). In any event, if you’re a business blogger, Steve’s blog is one to pay attention to.
Intelliseek offers webinar on blogging
Neville Hobson reports that Intelliseek is offering a webinar on blogging targeting marketers. “Blogging 101” will last an hour beginning at 4 p.m. EDT on August 25. Get details and