CNET News: Google has launched a new feature that tries to guess what people are looking for as they type queries into a search box.
Google Suggest quietly debuted this week on the company’s Labs site, CNET says, which showcases Google features that “aren’t quite ready for prime time,” according to a message on the site. When someone starts typing a request into the search box, a drop-down menu appears with suggestions as to what that person could be looking for.
Then there’s desktop search. This probably best sums that situation up, from PC World:
Microsoft, Yahoo, and Ask Jeeves are all set to jump into the desktop search space, two months after Internet search leader Google offered a test version of a tool [Google Desktop Search] that lets users search for information stored on their desktop computers.
Yahoo plans to debut a beta version of a new Yahoo Desktop Search tool in the coming weeks, the company said late Thursday. Meanwhile, Ask Jeeves is set to unveil its test offering December 15, and Microsoft will release its desktop search beta next week as well, according to sources familiar with the company’s plans.
And see also How Desktop Search Tools Compare from the San Jose Mercury News.
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I have created a artificial intelligence search engine too (it thinks for you and offers keyword suggestion that you may never have thought of, choices from related synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and thesaurus)! Check out where you see the working beta (I am not using our own index of websites YET, our search & seek web fetching (ro)bot is still in development, will even retrieve results when none indexed to index). This will index general web sites and pages linked to by those sites, any topic of data will be accepted. I know its got too many affiliate ads (I need the money), I know it doesn’t have billions of web pages indexed (YET), I know my internet access provider can be a little slow at time, I know I am not comparable (YET) but I am working on it. Any suggestions are appreciated so I can continue making the World’s best search engine (will be better than the rest once complete).
Currently implementing an automatic spelling fixer for common misspellings (will auto fix misspell words with correct ones OR give you a choice to select alternate spellings, not sure which would be best yet).
Also making a business directory (even a separated spam directory so spammers have a place to spam, spam will not go away, so might as well accept it to a special directory) to be integrated into this next best search engine (example of a business/web directory made by me is that caches pages and was the World’s first search engine to implement text-to-speech technology using Microsoft Agent).
I have been making specific topic search engines since 1998 (now moving to a caching, spidering and non topic engine design). Some examples are (comedy search), (Canada search), (humanitarian-poverty search), etc…