Blogs as ‘editorial innovation’ for mainstream media

Catching up with some neglected RSS feed reading has resulted in a burst of blogging already today. About to take a breather when I came across a post by Suw Charman writing in Strange Attractor about the Blogs in Action seminar in London on 24 March.

In her detailed reporting, Suw has done a terrific job in capturing all that went on at the event.

Suw’s post is worth a close read to gain some insight into what speakers like Dominique Busso of VNUNet Europe, Neil McIntosh of Guardian Unlimited and Charlie Schick of Nokia Lifeblog had to say.

For instance, from Suw’s notes:

Neil McIntosh was very interesting […]. The most important point that he made was that the Guardian/Observer blogs are not about bringing traffic to the website nor are they about marketing, or trying to somehow bolster sales of the paper. He sees them instead as a foray into new territory: “We see it as editorial innovation, a place where we are learning a new form of journalism.” Yet again, I have to say that Neil really gets blogging in a way that most journalists do not (and there are plenty that think they do).

Neil is a presenter at Les Blogs in Paris on 25 April where he’s participating in a panel discussion on “Traditional media innovates and strikes back” along with Yann Chapellon of Le Monde, Jochen Wegner of Focus Magazine in Germany and Pierre Bellanger of Skyrock (which has 1.5 million blogs).

I’m looking forward to learning more about these new forms of journalism.