When travel isn’t pretty

Regular listeners to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report will know that my co-presenter, Shel Holtz, travels a lot. Much more than I do at the moment. In fact, during the past month, Shel’s co-presented our show from the road on six occasions. And there’s more travel for him coming up in June.

So I’m not surprised to hear why Shel’s started Road Weary, his new blog:

[…] I need a place to vent, to kvetch, to complain. This is it. Welcome to my life on the road. If you need to know any more than this, I have a business web site and a blog dedicated to the work I do, and you’re welcome to visit either or both. But this blog, this blog is just about business travel. And it isn’t pretty.

If you want a good source of blunt comment and opinion on a road warrior’s life, this is the place.

Shel, I’m looking forward with a kind of morbid fascination to reading some horror stories!

7 thoughts on “When travel isn’t pretty

  1. Nice one, Jonathan!
    I probably should have said “this will be the place” 🙂
    It does look like the Boeing 777 test pilots have more fun when they travel, doesn’t it?

  2. Hotels rooms now come with hot and cold detractor fans

    What can you add to a hotel which seems to have everything? How about bad publicity? The Fort Garry Hotel is probably as well-equipped as any in Winnipeg. It has two hundred and forty two suites with wifi, feather beds

  3. Hotel rooms now come with hot and cold detractor fans

    What can you add to a hotel which seems to have everything? How about bad publicity? The Fort Garry Hotel is probably as well-equipped as any in Winnipeg. It has two hundred and forty two suites with wifi, feather beds

  4. Hotel rooms now come with hot and cold detractor fans

    What can you add to a hotel which seems to have everything? How about bad publicity? The Fort Garry Hotel is probably as well-equipped as any in Winnipeg. It has two hundred and forty two suites with wifi, feather beds

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