NewsGator Online adds support for podcasts

One immediate user benefit from last month’s acquisition of FeedDemon by Newsgator is that a new version (beta) of FeedDemon’s FeedStation podcatcher was released yesterday which supports NewsGator Online and, soon, NewsGator Outlook Edition:

[…] FeedDemon has had cool podcasting support since v1.5, with a helper application called FeedStation. FeedStation did the work of downloading podcasts, and adding them to iTunes or Windows Media Player playlists, for syncing to your portable device. Very cool. We’ve taken FeedStation, modified it a bit, and integrated it with NewsGator Online. You can now find podcasts from within NewsGator web edition, click "Add to Podcasts", and download them to your iPod (or other portable device) using FeedStation.

Last sentence is key – it’s a manual process in NewsGator Online, not automatic as in FeedDemon (or leading podcatchers iPodder or DopplerRadio, for that matter).

Full details from Nick Bradbury and from Greg Reinacker.

If you use FeedDemon 1.5, you can upgrade that version’s FeedStation to the new beta by downloading it and installing it which will replace the current version.