Next Windows version – Windows Vista

Much speculation overnight in tech media and around the blogosphere that the next version of Microsoft Windows – currently codenamed Longhorn – will be called Windows Vista.

The official word is expected in a press release from Microsoft during today.

It’s an interesting name. ‘Vista’ comes from the Italian past participle of vedere, to see, from the Latin vidre. Here’s the modern English-language definition from Cambridge Dictionaries Online:

  1. Literary – a view, especially a splendid view from a high position:
    After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a picture-postcard vista of rolling hills under a deep blue summer sky.
  2. A possible future action or event that you can imagine:
    As leader, he opened up exciting vistas of global co-operation.

Sounds like an appropriate and optimistic name. I wonder what the goals were in planning what to call the product.

Whatever the name will be, Neowin has posted details of what they say is the schedule of key Windows Vista dates:

Beta 1: 27 July 2005
Beta 2: 16 November 2005
Release Candidate: 17 March 2006
Final version (release to manufacturing): 28 June 2006

(Disclosure: I am part of the beta testing programme for the next Windows version but I’ve not yet heard any dates mentioned.)

Time will tell.

[UPDATE 3:00pm] It’s official – the name will be Windows Vista, according to a Microsoft press release that just showed up in my RSS feed.

The new Vista website says this about the first beta:

Windows Vista Beta
Beta 1, targeted at developers and IT
professionals, will be available by August 3rd 2005.

4 thoughts on “Next Windows version – Windows Vista

  1. Microsoft, novita in “Vista”

    Oggi la rete si interroga su un nuovo, fondamentale problema esistenziale: quale sarà il nome definitivo del prossimo sistema operativo Microsoft? Secondo voci non confermate ma insistenti, pare infatti che il nuovo “pargolo” della casa di Redmond …

  2. Longhorn=Vista?

    Quite a few blogs are reporting that the new version of windows will be named Windows Vista. I haven’t seen confirmation from Mircosoft yet. I guess this means no more plugs for my son’s favorite steakhouse. My favorite still is…

  3. Windows Vista

    Destined to be the predecessor to the widely used Windows XP, Vista is expected to be released sometime in 2006.  Accourding to Microsoft, Vista is a huge leap forward in personal computing and make it easy to:Confidently do what you want, when you want,

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