Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (more on the PR blogger trackback stand-off; trackback spam; affinity for podcasts; FIR impacts HR; anonymous ok, but not cute and clever; show notes, etc); Hurricane Katrina and the role of blogs; developments in instant messaging; fired for blogging; blogger being sued; the Spinfluencer with Leo Laporte.
Show notes for September 1, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 75-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Download the file here (MP3, 30MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need a podcatcher such as the free iPodder, DopplerRadio or iTunes 4.9, or an RSS aggregator that supports podcasts such as FeedDemon).
In this Edition:
- 00:29 Neville introduces the show; what the show’s about; how to give your feedback; what’s in this edition; show notes
Listeners’ comments discussion:
- 02:37 The Steve Rubel and Jeremy Pepper post trackback stand-off – differing opinions on how it all could have been addressed, from Eric Eggertson, Andrew Marritt and Jeremy Pepper
- 08:35 Dennis Howlett trackbacks from his post about trackback spam, on the risk it presents to killing conversation
- 12:20 Derek Leverington tells us how he found FIR, his affinity for podcasts, advice on avoiding ‘podcast anxiety,’ on CBC podcasters
- 17:48 Patrick Williams on the impact FIR has for him in the HR arena
- 19:39 BJ Fisher doesn’t mind anonymous blogs as long as the reason for doing so isn’t cute or clever
- 22:49 Dan York likes the show notes, asks about Shel’s recording set up, tells us his experience with Ziepod, offers his views about anonymous blogs, more on email spying software, and a reminiscence on 1980s software
News and Features:
- 29:10 The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina – a real tragedy and the role blogs are playing as a personal conduit for news and information
- 40:51 Microsoft buys Teleo – a signficant development in the instant messaging market
- 47:58 Fired for blogging and then new job withdrawn – would guidelines have helped in a work environment where you can be fired by your employer on a whim?
- 54:00 A blogger is being sued for comments left on his blog – where does the responsibility and liability lie for all content on your blog?
- 58:46 The Spinfluencer in LA: Eric Schwartzman – a conversation with Leo Laporte on the story behind the story on movie spoilers, how podcasting is changing media relations, the difference between good PR, bad PR and spin control
- 71:03 show notes; how to give your feedback (new email address:; the music
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:
Listeners’ comments discussion – Eric Eggertson, Steve Rubel, Jeremy Pepper, Andrew Marritt, BL Ochman, Dennis Howlett, Lilac Rose, Movable Type, TypePad, Six Apart guidelines on combating comment spam, Derek Leverington, Warren Bickford, IABC, CBC, Patrick Williams, BJ Fisher, Effect Measure, Ragan, Deep Background, Dan York, Audacity, Ziepod, Marantz.
News and Features – Hurricane Katrina, Slidell Hurricane Damage Blog, IABC Cafe, Charles Pizzo, Gerard Braud, BBC News on Katrina, American Red Cross, Cisco Systems, Canon USA, General Motors, Bob Lutz appeal post, GM FastLane Blog,Microsoft, Teleo, Skype, MSN Messenger, Netscape, Firefox, Om Malik, Skype Journal, Google Talk, Hot Recorder, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Vista, Gizmo, Vonage, New York Times, Nadine Haobsh, Ladies Home Journal, Seventeen, Jeremy Blachman, The Anonymous Lawyer, Aaron Wall, Traffic Power, Wall Street Journal, Apple, Eric Schwartzman, Brooke Gladstone, On The Media, Bulldog Reporter PR Technology Conference, Leo Laporte, This Week in Tech (feed), Plaxo, Mark Jen,
Outro – Podsafe Music Network, Griddle, Preoccupied, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at (new email address), or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Monday September 5…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
Automating trackback spam protection – $100 bounty
In their latest podcast, Shel & Neville referred to my rant about trackback spam and in doing so raise an important question for the blog development community: Please someone develop a plug-in that combats this odious practice. Here’s my feature…
Thanks for the hat tip fellas – I’m offering a bounty of $100 for anyone to solve this problem. In the meantime, I’ve turned trackback OFF. Now, as Neville said, I’ve got the task of going back and dealing with old posts. It’s a lot of work!