Compelling Memeorandum

For the past few weeks, I’ve been reading tech news from a new (to me) website – Memeorandum.

I’m not wholly sure what it is about Memeorandum – whether it’s the content or the buzz, or both – but I find it a totally compelling resource. It’s the place (RSS feed) I now check first for tech news, before any mainstream tech medium. But it’s also one of the very few websites that I visit frequently as well as read the RSS feed.

Robert Scoble has been raving about Memeorandum for some time and says it’s changed his life.

Michael Arrington at TechCrunch says it’s changing the web:

[…] Memeorandum finds blog posts, newspaper articles and press releases that are being heavily linked to in near real time and puts them up on the site. The position and size of the headline is indicative of its importance (determined by number of links and other factors, such as how much people are writing about the linked content). The higher up and bigger the headline, the more important it is. And linking sites, the conversation, are clustered underneath the headline.

This means you can find out in near real time what is important in technology (or politics), how important it is, and who’s talking about it. If you then post on the subject, you will be linked into the discussion as well.

They both could be right.

One thought on “Compelling Memeorandum

  1. memeorandum? Well, let’s see – the big tech story at the moment is the possible bird flu pandemic from Asia, and the political story is the Conservative party leader election. Nope, neither feature on memeorandum. In fact the tech page seems to be the usual subjects flogging their blog based view of the universe as usual. And just talking to each other!

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