I’m currently in the UK, in London, where today I led a workshop for Melcrum on New Communication Technology: Add Value to Internal Communication with Social Media.
This was a full-day workshop which provided a great opportunity to address topics surrounding organizational communication and new media tools in some depth. A terrific group of communicators comprised the participants, all of whom were wholly engaged in the discussions, with lots of questions and questioning. Informal feedback indicates they found the event of great value. The proof of the pudding, as always, will be what they actually said in their formal evaluations which I expect to hear about from Melcrum next week. So perhaps some further commentary here at that time.
As part of this session, I’d asked Euan Semple to give a case study presentation on some of the real innovation he’s leading at the BBC in employee use of wikis in particular. A real live and happening-now case study which I know everyone found extremely interesting and useful. Euan, again, thanks for being part of this event.
Off to Paris tomorrow in preparation for moderating the opening session panel discussion at the IABC Europe conference on Thursday morning.
So a rather intense week this week. Things didn’t get off to a good start at all when I left Amsterdam yesterday. I didn’t have any time to record a contribution for show #89 of The Hobson & Holtz Report before I left. I’d thought that there’d be time once I’d arrived in London late afternoon yesterday, perhaps even a live session with Shel with me on the other end of a real phone line such as we’d done when he was on holiday in Hawaii. Unfortunately, Shel had recorded the show earlier than we’d normally have done it, so for the first time in 89 shows, I’m not part of the show. I was a bit disappointed as you may imagine. (Good example of English under-statement there.)
I won’t be live on this Thursday’s show either. But this time, I’ll have something in the show. By hook or by crook!
Well, that explains why I have not gotten you this time to do an interview with me
You’re right, Nicole! Where has time flown to?
Well, as most of the speakers are quite unreachable, I will have to track you down in Paris and do some post conference thingie anyhow ;))
Hi Neville,
No slides from the Melcrum session available? I am very interested.
Best regards,
Marcel de Ruiter