The growing FIR community

I’m listening to show #90 of The Hobson & Holtz Report podcast as I complete the full show notes for this edition, recorded yesterday. This is a bumper show and, at 98 minutes, the longest one we’ve done yet. You’ll hear more from our listeners in this edition than from Shel and I.

This really is a great community.

And speaking of community, I just took a quick look at the FIR Frappr map – and we’re up to 80 now. That’s just great! From all over the world, as the map shows.

Some gaps, though – it would be nice to include some listeners in Mexico, [oops, Mexico is already subscribed!] Central and South America. Si escuchas a FIR y vives en un país latinoamericano (sin olvidar España), pues – ¡suscríbete ya! a la comunidad FIR de Frappr.

So if you listen to FIR, even if only occasionally, please consider adding yourself to that map. You’ll be part of a great community.