Edelman: Our word is our bond

Richard Edelman’s latest post in his Speak Up blog is about ethics in PR. But this is no ordinary post, no yawning homily about what the PR profession should be doing to keep a clean house.

This post speaks from the heart, it seems to me:

Let me begin by recognizing that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I am sure that in the 53 year history of Edelman, there have been instances where we have drifted too close to the ethical line, whether in our choice of client or in our tactics on behalf of clients.

While you need to read this statement in the context of Richard’s complete post, this is such a refreshingly-open and honest view on business conduct for the CEO of a high-profile company – any company, not just a PR agency – to state so publicly. 

His post concludes:

Today we are seen as central to the decision making process at enlightened companies. We can be the growth segment of communications. We just need to self-regulate, so that our word is our bond, because nothing less will do.

Indeed, nothing less will do. This is precisely the kind of thought leadership commentary that makes business leaders become wholly credible voices that the entire communication profession will listen to.