5 thoughts on “Declare your personal blogging policy

  1. Original merchandise

    Came across this on my travels. It’s a cafepress store selling blogging-related t-shirts. Nothing unusual about that, you might think, except that this one is for dogs….

  2. Original merchandise

    Came across this on my travels. It’s a cafepress store selling blogging-related t-shirts. Nothing unusual about that, you might think, except that this one is for dogs….

  3. Original merchandise

    Came across this on my travels. It’s a cafepress store selling blogging-related t-shirts. Nothing unusual about that, you might think, except that this one is for dogs….

  4. For anyone reading this, the multiple trackbacks from my website were not intentional, I was using MT at the time (and I later dumped it when it started doing strange stuff like this)

  5. Thanks, David. No no one will now think you’re a spammer 😉
    I had a similar issue recently with TypePad. My fault, not the platform, as I’d edited a post (added some text) and posted it again, forgetting that the trackback URL I’d added was still there…

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