A little bit of history: When I first started blogging, in December 2002, I created a site called NevOn.net. It was hosted on Blogspot. In mid 2004 I moved the site to TypePad where it was my active primary blog until February 2006 when it became my archive, and I started a new site using WordPress at NevilleHobson.com where I am today.
This website contains the full text archive of the 1,400+ articles I published on NevOn.net between 2002-2006.
I consider this to be a snapshot of the changes and evolution that occurred in the first half-decade of this century when blogs captured attention and imaginations among individuals and organisations alike, and heralded the new time of social media that brought far-reaching disruptive changes in society everywhere. That sentiment is mirrored in much of the content you will find here.
You’ll note that this archive collection doesn’t follow the traditional method of presenting blog content with posts published in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent. As it’s not a live site, I felt that presenting the content in a linear story-telling way, starting at the beginning, made more sense.
In autumn 2021, I decided to export the entire content out of TypePad and bring it here to this location in my primary current blog. It was a tough decision as it means that the overall look and feel of the original content is now lost (the screenshot above shows what that was like, and you can still see some on the Wayback Machine from 2005 onwards). Plus, none of the images are here yet – while I do now have them all in a big zipfile from TypePad and I can recreate the structure for where the images reside, I’ll need to edit every reference to an image in each post with some rewrite rules to reflect the new location of each image. TypePad is very proprietary!
Not only that, I’m actually giving up TypePad, a platform I’ve been present on for 17 years that was at the heart of the rise of blogging in business in the early 00s.
But such rationalisation is also about reducing cost as I give up the financial cost of maintaining an archive at a hosting service I no longer actively use. It’s part of a project I’m working on to consolidate my presence spread online in multiple places as varied as TypePad and Flickr that I intend to complete by the end of this year.
If you have questions or comments about any of this archive content, leave a comment in a post. Or drop me a line via email.
Neville Hobson
December 5, 2021.
hello at nevillehobson.com