Spanish blogger José Luis Orihuela has posted a long list of bloggers from all over the Spanish-speaking world who blog in English. His initial list is being added to with other names who leave comments to his post. What a great way to open up contact with others without the barriers of language! eCuarderno | […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Plazes: Next generation social software
Following my post yesterday about metroblogging, I was discussing the concept with a friend last night and how we could get an Amsterdam city blog going. During our chat he told me about Plazes. Plazes is a web service offering information on people and places based on your location. It is the first service of […]
BlogJet and Ecto reviewed
For the past ten days, I’ve been using BlogJet and ecto to create some of my posts. Both these applications are offline blog editing tools which let you manage your post content wholly offline, creating your content on your own computer and then publishing that content to your blog. I’m going to focus my comments […]
Outlook and Hotmail to get a separation
A report on says that Microsoft is un-enabling access to Hotmail from within Outlook and Outlook Express: Citing concerns about spammers abusing the service, Microsoft on Monday will announce that it is dropping a feature from its Hotmail service that currently allows non-paying customers to access their email from Outlook and Outlook Express. The […]
What makes a leader?
You often hear the phrase ‘leaders are born, not made.’ Yet you also see behaviours in so many organizations where those who are leaders just aren’t the right people and haven’t a clue what leadership is all about. They seem to think that a “Being a Natural Leader for Dummies” book is all they need […]
Ecto does support thumbnails
In my review of BlogJet and ecto that I posted this morning, I said that ecto does not support the creation and posting of thumbnail images to a TypePad blog. Well, that isn’t correct as ecto developer Alex Hung commented. Indeed, when I checked the options in ecto for Windows version that I’m now […]
Internal communication wiki opens for business
Shel Holtz has started a wiki called “The Employee Communications Manifesto”: Internal communications seems to be performing less than brilliantly at achieving its goals of employee alignment and line of sight. One reason (and this is purely speculation on my part) is the lack of a common knowledge base for anyone starting out in an […]
How American are you?
Spending 30 minutes clicking on things and I just came across a highly amusing site with a quiz to judge how American you are. I guess I didn’t do too badly for a Brit: How would you do? How F**king American Are You?
Carnival of The Capitalists
Evelyn Rodriguez at Crossroads Dispatches is hosting Carnival of The Capitalists, a weekly focus on interesting business-oriented posts on blogs around the blogosphere. Evelyn has gathered a wide-ranging collection of topics with links to each post on the respective blogs so you can visit and contribute to discussions if you feel so inclined. My recent […]
Getting up to speed in Holland
If you’re planning a move to The Netherlands, an event next month will help you find out everything you need to know about life in a new country. “Welcome to The Netherlands” is the biggest expat fair in the country, taking place in Amsterdam on 24 October. It offers information from companies and agencies specialized […]
Windows Media Player 10 ditched
Windows Media Player 10 drives me nuts. So I’ve uninstalled it and rolled back to Windows Media Player 9. I don’t have anything against MP 10 per se. Indeed, when it came out I wrote a positive post about it. It’s a good evolution of the player with lots of additional and improved functionality to […]
Little gems for customizing Windows
RSS really is an effective way to quickly find out about things. Thinking about the Windows look and feel – as you do from time to time – and just glancing through my RSS feeds this lunchtime turned up these two litle gems: Two posts, from Dvorak Uncensored and Scobleizer, took me to a really […]
New validation process for Windows?
In the previous post today, I wrote about the Microsoft Time Zone utility. Here’s a very interesting thing that happens when you go to download it. When you get to the web page and click on the download link, you see the following: Before obtaining the requested download, please take a moment to validate your […]
RSS: How to get up to speed quickly
Are you clear on what RSS is and what the benefits are? Even if you are, a handy guide to what RSS is all about could be what you need to find out more on how you can gain better business advantage from RSS to keep fully up to speed with the news and information […]
Blogs catching on for recruiters and job seekers
According to a Wall Street Journal report yesterday, some career experts now predict that blogs could become the next wave in electronic recruiting, following job boards and corporate career sites. In short, blogs could become a new way for recruiters to identify candidates and for job seekers to gain a clearer picture of a company’s […]
Fly biz class on Air France, get a free iPod mini
Air France has a new promotion where they’re giving away free iPod minis to people who fly business class to Europe [from the US] between now and January 15th, but before you get any ideas about picking up your new toy at the airport lounge they won’t actually be sending you your free iPod mini […]
What’s going on in Costa Rica?
A wholly off-topic rant about Costa Rica, a country close to my heart – I lived there through much of the 80s and I have family and friends there. If you don’t know Costa Rica (even where it is), read a guide like Fodors’ Costa Rica. Quick description: small country (size of Wales/West Virgina), in […]
Who you’re working for next
The Economist shows how by unloading work on to their customers, companies can grant them more control – and save money in the process: Meet your airline’s latest employee: you. You may not have noticed, but you are also now working for your phone company and your bank. Why? Because of the growth of the […]
CEO podcasting
Now here’s an extremely interesting idea from Rex Hammock, speaking about a concept called ‘podcasting’ which involves an audio recording that’s posted to a website (not necessarily a blog) that you then listen to online or download and listen to it on your iPod or other such device: I can see a much quicker adoption […]
Time is no luxury for communicators
For everyone involved in organizational communication – be that PR, marketing communication, investor relations, employee communication or public affairs – one of the luxuries I see so many continuing to delude themselves with is that they have plenty of time to strategize, formulate, execute and measure as they progress their work in the traditional way […]