Posts by neville:

Martha Stewart: What should she do next?

Very nice piece by Stephen Evans, BBC North America business correspondent, published today on the BBC News website. Looks tongue-in-cheek, but it’s not… The US lifestyle guru who on Friday was sentenced to five months in jail and five months of house arrest over charges of conspiracy and obstruction faces some tough decisions. Could this […]

Boom time for digital jukeboxes

Sony is revamping its Walkman for the digital generation. Mobile music players are set to become the must-have gadget for music fans. A report predicts that people will buy more than 10 million players this year to listen to music while on the move. The buying frenzy is being driven by the success of Apple’s […]

I’ve been trying to figure

I’ve been trying to figure out how Atom and XML feeds work so that I can include this blog into the feed distribution networks so if you have an RSS feed, you can get NevOn blog posts in your reader. No need to figure now, thanks to a new free service that I just signed […]

Bill C’s Blog?

Check out this blog that looks like it’s authored by Bill Clinton. Hosted on Blog*Spot (where my blog’s hosted), but can’t find out who’s behind this excellent parody. I’d love to know! Or is it really Bill?? (Sorry about my less-than-gushing comments, Bill, on your biography in a post yesterday…) Bill Clinton Daily Diary

Amazon and Good Business (Reading)

As a regular customer of, I decided to add some Amazon advertising to this blog, which you can see if you scroll down the page. I’ve not gone overboard with loads of graphics and overtly plugging product for sale, just highlighted some business reading with a particular focus on topics surrounding corporate communication. Amazon has […]

Advertising gets its own TV channel

A report from Reuters on the world’s first TV channel devoted exclusively to ads which is planned to launch in the UK in September, allowing viewers to tune in 24 hours a day to their favourite 30-second spots for Guinness, Walkers and Yellow Pages. Full story: Reuters Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage / […]

Vanity computing…

“Only in America,” as it’s often said from Europe! Jim Cara from Wilmington, Delaware, USA, certainly made an impact with his new vanity license plate, but not quite how he’d intended. Full story: Delaware Online News Journal : LOCAL : ‘NOTAG’ tags bring flood of tickets

2162 – Very close to perfect

Today I finally installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 Release Candidate 2 Build 2162. Whew! That description’s a mouthful. A simpler one might be: the last public beta version before Microsoft sends off the final code to manufacturing prior to commercial release next month. I installed it on a test laptop – Toshiba 5105-S701, P4-M […]

Making a Move to Typepad?

I started a blog on Blog*Spot in December 2002. Trouble was, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with it. I had a half-hearted attempt at writing some posts that were just ramblings, really, which I did sporadically. Really useful stuff like what the weather’s like in Amsterdam. I made a three-quarter-hearted effort […]

Trying out Typepad

I’ve just started a new blog on Typepad at I’m experimenting. While Blog*Spot (where my current blog is) is good, I want to do more with the blog and how information is organized and presented. I’ll contine to update this current blog while I play with the new one which will continue to have […]

Developing some Passion

I discovered a well-written article about blogging and its future as an organizational communication tool. Written in March by Trevor Cook, director of a PR firm in Sydney, Australia, and published in his Corporate Engagement blog, the article explores and comments on how blogs are developing beyond purely online versions of personal diaries and evolving […]

Blair shooting for 3rd term

British Prime Minister Tony Blair looks confident of getting re-elected for a third term when the next UK general election takes place, very likely within the next 12 months. He is looking very confident these days, confounding his critics – within the Labour Party and elsewhere – who have been clamouring for his resignation in […]

The power of passionate consumers

In its August 2 issue, Business Week publishes its annual ranking of the world’s most valuable brands, in conjunction with Interbrand. The ranking includes the top ten brands worldwide (top 3: Coca Cola, Microsoft, IBM) with the collective brand value of the ten amounting to more than US$380 billion. It’s a well-written article with some […]

Time for your blog

There are so many neat things out there in the wide web world that add functionality to a website or blog and make it look rather cool as well. Many are free yet represent a considerable amount of time and energy to develop. I came across something today that is well done in its implementation […]

Meet the political bloggers

From today’s Wall Street Journal. This report is about how blogging is a potent communication force in US politics. Another sign that blogging is rapidly catching on in a big way as a more structured and organized means of communication. Excerpt: The Democratic Party is widening its media tent for the Boston convention. For the […]

The Empire Blogs Back

The promise of blogs, wikis and social networks to upend business as usual was on display at a high-powered conference on Friday, when blogging software company Six Apart and evangelists from Microsoft co-chaired a panel detailing how these tools lead to better customer relationships. In something of a throwback to the halcyon days of the […]

Still in Two Minds

Thinking more about whether to switch blogs from Blog*Spot to Typepad. Both have their pros and cons. Blog*Spot is a far easier system to use. Could be, though, that I’m now up to speed with how to use it. Typepad is also easy to use and I’ve certainly not used it as much as Blog*Spot. […]

Net calls to take on landlines

This could really shake up the traditional telecommunications business — net upstart Skype is launching a new service that lets you call any number in the world over the internet. The SkypeOut service will let Skype’s 7.7 million subscribers use their PC and internet connections to call landlines and mobile phones at low rates. Full […]