A story from the Associated Press has some great sound bites from mainstream media and others about RSS. All the quotes are from US media but the points they’re making would be valid anywhere today: Jim Brady, executive editor of The Washington Post‘s website: "When we all started this 10 years ago, we wanted to […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Virtual Earth first looks
Wow! Virtual Earth is impressive. I just went to the website, clicked on the ‘Locate Me’ button, told it to find me using my computer’s IP address, and it did just that in less than three seconds. What is Virtual Earth? From the FAQ: Virtual Earth is a new map and search system soon to […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #53: July 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on winning credibility in the blogosphere); Land Rover campaign update; road testing BlogPulse Profiles; Fast Company’s blog jam; talent and innovation depart Ford and Hewlett-Packard; an interview with Intelliseek about BlogPulse and BrandPulse; new data from Pew; AdCandy’s open approach; pledge for digital rights in Europe; PodcastCon UK; CNET podcasts; […]
Mission impossible statements
Most large companies have a mission statement, an expression that sets out the purpose of the organization or what the organization intends to achieve over time. In some large organizations, it’s not uncommon to walk around an office and see posters displayed with a statement to remind everyone of the organization’s mission (which some people […]
Don’t believe everything you read in the media
I like listening to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code as background listening as I’m working. That’s how I usually listen to radio – background listening while I’m doing something else. So it is for me with podcasts like the DSC, which I play on a PC in my office and listen to through the PC’s […]
Anti-piracy measures now include Windows Update
BBC News: Microsoft has stepped up its fight against software piracy by requiring users to verify their copies of the Windows operating system. Anyone downloading updates for Windows XP will be required to check that their operating system is genuine. This validation process is in place right now as I discovered when I visited the […]
Blogging a business closure
BL Ochman writes about her client and friend, Paul Purdue, founder of iFulfill.com, who is in the midst of every entrepreneur’s nightmare – he’s going out of business, and he’s using his blog to chronicle what he calls "the demise." This is a brave thing to do. Having read Paul’s announcement on Tuesday, I admire […]
Podcast your blog with Talkr
An interesting concept – write your blog posts and then make that content available in audio format for anyone to listen to your blog. This is what Talkr does using text-to-speech conversion technology that takes a blog’s RSS feed and converts such machine-readable content into speech, creating MP3 files of each individual post. You can […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #54: July 28, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on getting value from FIR and where to listen; European digital rights); BlogHer on Saturday; Dave Winer’s OPML editor launched; Podscope indexing every podcast; indie podcasters On A Podcast; made up quotes in press releases; PR bloggers should quit whining about being pitched; the missing link in mission statements; blog […]
Changing the 2015 history lesson
If you read US journalist Bob Cauthorn’s lengthy post on Corante’s Rebuilding Media, you might get a strong impression that blogs and mainstream media are a mixture that should never, ever, come together. Ne’er the twain shall meet, in fact: […] Memo to mainstream media: You don’t get to blog. You have a publishing apparatus. […]
BlogHer today
There’s quite an event taking place today in California – the BlogHer conference. The brainchild of Elisa Camahort and Lisa Stone, BlogHer will answer this question: […] Men, as well as women, have been asking, "Where are the women?" And we have been responding…we’re right here. That the same question is being asked now as […]
Support a charity trek in Peru
In September, three women will be trekking the Inca Trail in Peru to raise money for a worthy charity campaign. One of the three is Pam Hobson, my sister, who says: Between 14th & 27th September I will be undertaking the most arduous challenge of my life! […] With my friends Karen Slatford and Fiona […]
Newsworthy 30-7-05
> Is Skype up for sale? Is Google the likely buyer? Or Rupert Murdoch, who almost bought it last week for $3 billion? Growing speculation and some rumours in the past few days. Robert Scoble links to a few discussions. Stuart Henshall in Skype Journal links to a few more. Meanwhile, Skype continues looking after […]
Still time to vote in the Podcast Awards
The first Podcast Awards contest closes tomorrow, 31 July. For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, the bi-weekly show that Shel Holtz and I co-host, is a finalist for Best Business Podcast. Contest organizer Todd Cochrane says that the contest site has seen over 640,000 unique page loads so far and voting in the […]
Constantly waiting for TypePad
‘Waiting for TypePad…’ is a phrase I have now memorized when it comes to publishing posts to any of my blogs. This last week has been exceptionally frustrating. I write posts offline using ecto for Windows, currently version 1.7.5, and publish them to TypePad. It should work, but it doesn’t. What’s been happening is that, […]
Logo nostalgia
If you have fond memories of some of the greatest corporate symbols of the past century that are no longer with us, Logo R.I.P is a terrific website to visit for a trip down memory lane. This logo, for instance – the Robertson’s Golly, a famous symbol in the UK for a range of market-leading […]
Reputation at risk from third parties
A story in the Motoring section in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph highlights how simple things that go wrong can become the big things in a customer’s mind that marrs an overall positive impression of an organization and its brands. The story is about writer Patsy Weaver’s mixed experience on a visit to the Mercedes-Benz factory in […]
The judgment of Michael Jackson
BBC News: Michael Jackson’s latest greatest hits album has sold just 8,000 copies in the US in its first week of release, reaching number 128 in the chart. The Essential Michael Jackson is the star’s first release since he was cleared of child abuse a month ago. […] Jackson faces a struggle to repair his […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #55: August 1, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on enjoying On A Podcast; effects of failing to meet customers’ expectations; collaborative new media in the church; understanding the tech landscape; digital rights; pitching bloggers; PR uses for tags, supporting a cause); FIR in GNC; open source production at GNC; Talk Digger; Fox Network podcasts; talking blogs with Talkr; […]
PodcastCon UK gears up
Coming in September – PodcastCon UK, the first conference in Europe dedicated to podcasting. According to the sign-up wiki today, nearly 50 people have signed up so far. The organizers – Paul Nicholls, Alex Bellinger, Neil Dixon and Adrian Pegg – have done no real publicity yet so this is all word-of-mouth and via blogs. […]