Posts by neville:

Oracle’s content management moves

As the blogosphere continues to grow and companies consider the large-scale business benefits of blogs as integrated elements of enterprise collaborative-working tools, how significant, I wonder, is this news of Oracle’s acquisition of a small company called Context Media, reported by CNET News: […] The purchase gives Oracle software designed specifically for moving documents between […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #56: August 4, 2005

Content summary: Presentation on podcasting to McGraw-Hill’s communicators in New York City; conference questions-and-answers discussion. Show notes for August 4, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 60-minute conversation recorded live from New York City, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 24MB), or sign up for […]

Shari Kurzrok still needs help

Some weeks ago, I posted an appeal for help regarding Shari Kurzrok, a PR professional in the US who urgently needs a liver transplant. PR bloggers throughout the global PR community posted similar appeals. What’s been happening in the ensuing three weeks? A post yesterday on the Help Shari Kurzrok blog says that her life-threatening […]

Interview: Jeff De Cagna, Principled Innovation – August 5, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel and Neville enjoyed a 55-minute conversation with Jeff De Cagna, founder of Principled Innovation LLC. Topics and themes discussed include: the challenges for volunteers and staff of association; reducing governance in associations; advocacy and taking stands on issues; the dead strategic planning model and what […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #57: August 8, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (get the message out with blogs; new features for Talk Digger; enjoying the show and music; getting a purpose going forward; yes to password-protected RSS feeds; surreal iPod experience; being blown away by show #56 as a great podcasting tutorial; iPod alarm clocks; less time to appreciate podcasts; podcast music […]

A bit out of balance

Little time this week for posting commentaries to this blog, sorry to say. Trying to balance business and home life is always tricky and especially so this week. Something had to give and my blog was it. A semblance of usual service will resume at the weekend, and fully back up to speed early next […]

Interview: Constantin Basturea – August 10, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel and Neville enjoyed a 45-minute conversation with Constantin Basturea, the man behind The New PR Wiki and Global PR Blog Weeks I and II. About our conversation partner: Originally from Romania, Constantin Basturea (pronounced BahshTUra) came to the US when his wife opted to pursue […]

Grin and bear it

As soon as I arrived at Heathrow airport this afternoon and saw the lines of TV trucks, I knew things did not look good. Over the past 24 hours, the news has been full of reports of the cancellation of all British Airways flights out of Heathrow. My flight back to Amsterdam isn’t until 8pm […]

Homeward bound

So I’m sitting in the departure lounge at Heathrow Terminal 4 waiting for my BA flight back to Amsterdam. After being stuck here for the past 24 hours (in the UK, not at the airport itself), it will be good to get home. Looking good that the flight will actually get way, in about 20 […]

The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #58: August 11, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (ID3 tags, an open-source RSS tool for audio, Skylook, copyrights and podcast music, pocasting librarians, "Advertising by the Government of Canada," and Free Government Information); Hill & Knowlton UK’s employee blogging initiative; Neville’s new computer; Neville’s new blog, the redesign of Desirable Roasted Coffee; our interview with Constantin Basturea; the […]