Whenever I travel to the US, I get apprehensive. Not about the travel or why I’m visiting the States. No, it’s all to do with breakfast choices. Here’s the scenario. It’s breakfast time in my hotel. I sit and the ever-so-friendly waitress asks me for my order. Apprehension starts if I request eggs. Before I […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
How Google could be the world’s most valuable company
Google’s share price could rise to $2,000, says the Daily Telegraph. The Telegraph quotes Caris & Co, a US stockbroker, saying that Google shares had the potential to climb faster with the launch of digital services. Those shares closed at $465 on Friday after the company announced its online video library. More from the Telegraph: […]
So what’s wrong with ghostwriting an executive blog?
I’ve been thinking about an item in a recent survey that says only 20 percent of senior business executives write their own blogs. The survey was conducted in October by PR veteran David Davis who published the results last week. Shel and I talked about it last Thursday in show #100 of our biweekly podcast. […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #101: January 9, 2006
Content summary: Wal-Mart and a blog crisis; relaunching The Observer and the role of the companion blog; banned words for 2006; is Google Pack for the enterprise?; ZenCast’s new definition of podcast; Lee Hopkins report; listeners’ comments discussions (competitive PR advantage, congrats on 100 and 101 shows, RSS and podcasts in job hunting, call to […]
The anatomy of HIV
Daily Telegraph: This is the first detailed glimpse of one of the most deadly organisms on the planet, one that has killed about 25 million people and now infects another 40 million people, of which about three million will die this year alone. Despite having known for more than two decades that human immunodeficiency virus […]
GM videocasts new concept car
“What do you think of it?” asks General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz in a post yesterday on the GM FastLane Blog. At the last count, over 225 customers and car enthusiasts have told Lutz precisely what they think of the Chevrolet Camaro concept car, the vast majority of comments overwhelmingly positive. “Build this and […]
Clueless BrandWeek magazine
Are blogs a waste of your time and that of your business or clients? Indeed they are, according to BrandWeek magazine in the US: Blogs provide almost no new information. They’re frequently inaccurate. They contribute to the hysterical polarization of our nation’s political discourse. And they’re often written by people who can’t, you know, write. […]
Keep cool with egoSurf
Via Steve Rubel, news of egoSurf, a tool that searches Google and other engines against your name and blog or website, and calculates your ego ranking. Naturally, I gave it a go. it says my ego ranking is 11,845. Is that good? Can I exchange those points for a free flight to New York? That […]
FIR Interview – Gerald R. Baron, author, “Now is Too Late” – January 11, 2006
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 55-minute conversation with Gerald Baron, author of the crisis communications book, "Now is Too Late: Survival in the Era of Instant News." Download the conversation here (MP3, 21MB), or sign up for the Interviews RSS feed to get it and our future interviews […]
Previewseek: New web search engine impresses
In reviewing some recent visitor stats to my blog, I was curious about quite a few inbound links from a search engine I didn’t recognize – Previewseek. A quick look at it shows that this search engine (it’s in beta – what isn’t these days?) works in a different way to what you might be […]
Blair and Cameron podcast firsts
You know podcasting has now definitely entered the mainstream when two politicians – one a Prime Minister no less, and both leaders of their parties and members of the government – use the medium in conjunction with two national newspapers to convey particular messages to voters in the UK. Yesterday, Prime Minister Tony Blair was […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #102: January 12, 2006
Content summary: Annoying anonymous comments now illegal in the US; political podcasts in the UK by Prime Minister Tony Blair and Conservative leader David Cameron; US army hires Haas MS&L to pitch editorial content to bloggers; Dan York’s report; listeners’ comments discussion; the music. Show notes for January 12, 2006 Welcome to For Immediate Release: […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 13-Jan-06
A JotSpot For Excel Apple’s New (Corporate) Tune Body scanner unveiled at station Disruption in mainstream media but where is the disruption in the mainstream PR industry? Europe’s ‘Google killer’ goes into hiding Google offers personal home page for mobile phones How Brands Evolve, Visually Invasion of the privacy snatchers New PR blogs (a bunch […]
More choices with offline blog editors
I use an offline editor to write nearly all my blog posts. This means I’m not dependent on a network connection nor the vagaries of the internet between my PC and the hosting service (TypePad for this blog), or even my own server where I have my WordPress blog. Plus, I always have the original […]
Stupendous Il Divo
I’m not an opera fan by any means (note: lower-case ‘o’ – I’m not talking about the browser), but after listening to Il Divo, I could easily be converted. At least, to this type of opera. On Saturday, my wife bought the DVD of Il Divo: Encore and to say I was blown away watching […]
Book, blook and podcasts
Here’s a neat idea – post the chapters of your book to your blog (sound familiar?) and record each chapter as a podcast. The book in question is hackoff.com: An Historic Murder Mystery set in the Internet Bubble and Rubble, a novel by Tom Evslin, who started posting chapters last September under a Creative Commons […]
The Quaero oxymoron
If you’ve been following the story of the Franco-German Quaero project – a planned European multimedia search engine, the answer to Google and brainchild of the French government – you’ll know that European politics have contributed to the mire it’s been in for some months. The Quaero website used to be online and provided useful […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #103: January 16, 2006
Content summary: Podcast print magazine to launch; Dutch publisher to publish newspaper with blog content; Power PR makes accountability "guarantee"; gaining first impressions about websites in the blink of an eye; Wikipedia reveals plagiarism by journalist; Lee Hopkins’ report; the pros and cons of offline blog editors; listeners’ comments discussion (the rescue of advertising; meeting […]
Intelliseek acquired, forms part of new VNU-backed company as VNU looks to be acquired
Two of the leading companies in tracking and analysing what consumers are talking about online have joined forces to create, in the words of the formal press release, the new global standard for measuring and understanding word-of-mouth behavior and influence. Market intelligence firm Intelliseek has been acquired by word-of-mouth research and planning company Buzzmetrics. The […]
Filling the market gap for offline blog editors
Some readers of this blog have left some great comments to my post last week about offline blog editors. In that post, I talked about ecto for Windows, BlogJet and Qumana as examples of popular editors for Windows (and for the Mac, in some cases) which enable you to write your blog posts offline, on […]