Four days before Christmas and maybe a good moment to jot down some thoughts. Well, not because it’s four days before Christmas, but it’s a good moment! It’s Saturday, cold outside and nice and toasty inside. My musings so far haven’t mentioned anything about what I do for a living, so anyone visiting my blog […]
Category: Bits-n-Bobs
Bizarre and yet funny
Bizarre and yet funny, sort of. A ship called the Tricolor sinks in the English Channel in mid December following a collision with another cargo ship. No crew hurt, all rescued safely. A week later, another ship crashes into the wreck in thick fog. The wreck site hadn’t yet been fully marked out to warn […]
This could be me someday
This could be me someday -> How to Sell Anything on EBay…and Make A Fortune! I’m currently reading My Life,’ Bill Clinton’s memoirs. So far, I’m with Bill when he had graduated and went to Washington. It’s all a bit heavy going, to be honest, but broadly enjoyable for a politician’s bio.
Vanity computing…
“Only in America,” as it’s often said from Europe! Jim Cara from Wilmington, Delaware, USA, certainly made an impact with his new vanity license plate, but not quite how he’d intended. Full story: Delaware Online News Journal : LOCAL : ‘NOTAG’ tags bring flood of tickets
A trip down computing memory lane
Wow, nostalgia! A post on John Dvorak’s Dvorak Uncensored blog commented on a 1965 computer listed in an online computer museum. On taking a look at the site, I came across this Kaypro 2x from 1984, which was the first ‘real’ computer I ever used. 4Mhz Z80A processor, CP/M operating system – this is from […]
A bit of a jam
While unfortunate for all the people involved, this is the kind of news report that you want to read at the end of a busy day: BERLIN (Reuters) – A German truck driver lost control of his vehicle while trying to swat a wasp and spilled his 15-ton load of jam jars on the motorway, […]
The Scream’s quick getaway
The head of the Oslo gallery where armed robbers snatched Edvard Munch’s The Scream has defended its security. — BBC News report. Right. And he has a sense of humour, too. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Gallery defends Scream security
It was 20 years ago today…
20 years at Microsoft, and counting. Great personal story from Larry Osterman: a real snapshot of tech-focused life since the early 80s. Via Bink. It was 20 years ago today…
Music to soothe your dog
The ethos of Dutch cool, from Reuters: AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Help is at hand for pet owners and their neighbors troubled by barking dogs — soothing recordings of “new age”-style music blended with sounds of nature. “Piano music with twittering birds and murmuring water apparently has a soothing effect on dogs,” said a spokesman for […]
Microsoft exhibition stand needs a caption
During my visit this afternoon to the IBC 2004 exhibition in Amsterdam, I took some photos of various scenes in the exhibition halls. This one of the Microsoft stand (back end of it – click image for larger pic) is just missing a caption: How about – “How long did you say it takes to […]
Things happening 19 Sept
Sunday morning, scanning my RSS webfeeds, some interesting things going on that caught my attention: Jan Baan, a name synonymous with one of the great ERP success stories of the 1990s (and one of the greatest business controversies in The Netherlands at the time of that success story’s demise in the early 00s), is back […]
If pets could blog…
Found at Joana Filipa’s personal blog.
How to get your blog noticed: 3-step alt method
Robert Scoble’s post yesterday on How your blog will get discovered provides some helpful tips on what you should do with pinging, Technorati, etc. Then there’s Shelley Powers rejoinder This is Wrong on Oh So Many Levels that provides some extremely sensible advice focusing on content and actual writing. Bloggers, pay no attention to such misguided […]
How American are you?
Spending 30 minutes clicking on things and I just came across a highly amusing site with a quiz to judge how American you are. I guess I didn’t do too badly for a Brit: How would you do? How F**king American Are You?
3 Gmail invites available
I have three Gmail invitations left. If you’re in the communication business – PR, marketing, employee communication, etc – and would like a Gmail account, just drop me an email and I’ll send you an invitation. First come first served until they’re gone!
Protect your bananas
Hold the front page! Here’s crucial news about how to protect your bananas: Are you fed up with taking bananas to work or school only to find them bruised and squashed? Our unique, patented device allows for the safe transport and storage of individual bananas letting you enjoy perfect bananas anytime, anywhere […] The Banana […]
The minister of silly walks online
John Cleese has a website! Lots of very silly things and the Church of Jesus Christ Capitalists. Very Pythonesque. An extension of the Cleese brand – it costs $50 to get access to "laughs, exclusive sketches, CleeseTV streaming videos, limited edition merch and meet and greet opps, access to the community, message boards, periodical chat […]
On giving up blogging and other wondrous things
Copywriter Bob Bly is planning to give up the ghost, so to speak, on blogging after just a week. Remember, Bob’s the guy who sparked a little blogosphere storm (in a teacup, really) last month with an article in a marketing newsletter that basically said blogs are a complete waste of time. To give him […]
A day out in Paris
Yesterday was a wonderful day out – I took a Thalys high-speed train to Paris and had lunch with Guillaume du Gardier and Elizabeth Albrycht. Down early in the morning, back late in the evening. That’s one of the other terrific things about blogs – you get to meet the best people. Guillaume and Elizabeth […]
Season’s Greetings!
Just two days until Christmas Day and time for me to sign off for the holiday. I promised my wife I would not put blogging fingers to keyboard during this time; instead, I would wholly focus on my family. So I will try to keep that commitment. Wishing everyone all the very best for a […]