Rolling out the catch-up recipe

One of the exasperating things about being away and wholly offline for a week is the catch-up required when you get back. This used to mean reviewing the 300+ emails that arrived when you were offline for that time. My recipe for that is quite simple. There’s no way you should spend the time going […]

Gmail invitations

I have 6 Gmail invitations up for grabs. If you’re in the communication business – PR, marketing, employee communication, or related fields – and would like a Gmail account, leave your request here as a comment and I’ll send you an invitation. Just to be wholly clear – please leave your request here: don’t send […]

Four invitations

Google have given me four invitations for free Gmail accounts. If you’re in the communication business – PR, marketing, employee communication, or related fields, or a student taking a communication-related subject – and would like a Gmail invitation, here’s how to get one: State which part of the communication business you’re in. Leave your request […]

Outed by the bloggers

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central is a great example of stand-up comedy on the web at its very best. The Daily Show last Thursday was just hilarious, a satirical take on mainstream media and the blogosphere, the fake White House reporter and his naughty secrets and the recent Eason Jordan scalping […]

Good for your… er, health

News via irrepressible columnist John Dvorak of the latest aid to healthy and safe computer practice – the busty mousepad. Wonderful product description on the vendor’s website, ChestRest (love the name!): Kannazuki Mai, from the hentai series G-Taste illustrated by the artist Yagami Hiroaki is now immortalized in busty mouse pad form. Let her ample […]

A short break

A couple of posts today to follow this one, then a blogging break until the weekend. The show notes for today’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report bi-weekly podcast will be up on the podcast blog and on Shel’s blog as usual later today once the show’s been done (after about 8pm Central EuropeanTime); […]

Ego surfing with Preople

Anyone who writes a blog does a bit of ego surfing now and again. Or even again and again. It’s true, isn’t it? You know, looking for your name on Google and Technorati to see how many mentions you have. Checking your site stats to see who’s linking to you. Et cetera. Via Krijn Schuurman, […]

Light posting

Things will be a bit quiet on this blog for the next few days as I’ll be on the road. That’s the only reason, not due to any crunches or burn-outs! Depending on time, opportunity and available wireless networks, I hope to post at least occasionally between now and the end of the week. Shel […]

Back tomorrow

My first chance to combine a) access to the net and b) and opportunity to jot down these few words for the blog. Currently sitting in the departure area in Terminal 4 at London Heathrow waiting for my BA flight back to Amsterdam. Low-cost ticket so no lounge access this time. There’s a nice Starbucks, […]

Just one of those days

‘Harried’ would be a good word to describe my day today. Sorry for the absence of new, original and/or intelligent content in this blog today. So, for today, I’m going to be purely a connector. I’d like to offer you a half-dozen places to go and content to see that I’m sure you’ll find interesting. […]

On the road

Light posting ahead until the weekend as I’ll be in the UK for the next few days. A client meeting, catching up with some friends for dinner and something quite special. Next month, I’m co-leading a session about new media channels such as blogs at the Communication Directors Forum. This stellar event takes place on […]

Cops and blackberries

Why should a BlackBerry only be used in business? Tech journalist Mike Wendland writes in the Detroit Free Press about how BlackBerries help the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office catch the crooks: […] Instead of checking e-mail and stock prices, the deputies are using Blackberries to call up mug shots and warrants from the field. Already, […]

Got the T-shirt!

A few weeks ago, I ordered one of Hugh McLeod’s bespoke Gapingvoid cartoon T-shirts. It arrived in the post yesterday. Hugh’s right – high quality, well made and very nice indeed. I chose the “Was it good for you?” cartoon: Heh! I bet we see a human T-shirt catalogue on parade at the London geek […]

Impersonal bloggers coming

This cartoon, included in an eWeek article, might raise a chuckle or two: (Speech balloon says: “And this is our crack team of impartial bloggers who are just wild about our products.”) Don’t chuckle too loudly, though – this is a portent of things to come. If you think impersonal call centers are bad, wait […]

Time pressure…

Imagine – no real time to blog! That’s been where I’ve been at all this week, hence pretty light posting in recent days. No signs of that improving, sorry to say, until early next week. This is also affecting my ability to respond promptly to comments left on various posts. Lots of great conversation-starters, and […]

On the road

Heading to the airport shortly, over to London. Tonight I’ll be attending the London geek dinner. Nearly 200 people signed up for that! Very little blogging until the weeked as I’ll be participating in and presenting at the Communication Directors Forum conference which takes place from 8-11 June. This event is on a cruise ship […]