Online conference on social networking

Via Elizabeth Albrycht, news of an event that’s just made for anyone involved in communicating or collaborating online – Online Social Networks 2005: OSN2005 will be a summit for all those interested in working with social networking processes, tools, and media. In addition to attending many workshops, panels, and presentations by leading experts and practitioners, […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #6: February 7, 2005

Show notes for February 7, 2005. Welcome to our weekly podcast, a 46:41-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 21.4MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital […]

Clarity in communication

Here’s a plain-speaking description of a blog commenting policy that no one could possibly misunderstand: I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on the articles I post on this blog. Please understand that unless your comments get read and reviewed by me, they don’t get posted. Some days I literally receive hundreds of […]

Business podcasting is taking off

It’s been interesting reading some of the reactions by business bloggers to General Motors’ first experiment with podcasting last week. This Technorati list has lots of blog commentaries, mostly positive, although most don’t discuss the podcasts from the specific communication point of view. Quick recap: GM produced two MP3 files that they mentioned in a […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #7: February 14, 2005

Show notes for February 14, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 46:43-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]

Testing time for Sarbanes-Oxley

Judgment day is fast approaching for US companies grappling with the most complex and expensive provisions in the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting and corporate governance legislation. The Financial Times reports that up to 5,000 large and medium-sized public companies must give detailed summaries about the state of their internal controls in forthcoming annual reports. The reports must […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #8: February 17, 2005

Show notes for February 17, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 37-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]