The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #67: September 12, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (bandwidth, bit rates and listening preferences; jazzed about podcasts; answering the logo call); PR firms with no RSS; emergent journalism with; IABC’s Katrina initiative; Queen of Sky sues Delta; eBay acquires Skype, Oracle grabs Siebel Systems, America West goes to US Airways; two new European podcasters; 20 uses for […]

Communicating the power of 3

Listening to eBay’s investor conference call last night which took place to discuss eBay’s acquisition of Skype, and following along with the slide presentation (PDF), it’s now clearer to me what the expected synergies are from this deal from eBay‘s and Skype‘s perspectives. It’s something they’re calling the Power of 3: (Click to see a […]

FIR Interview: Gerry Murray, President IABC Belgium – September 14, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 47-minute conversation with Gerry Murray, President of IABC Belgium, and a management and communication consultant. Topics discussed include: development plans for IABC Belgium, the new Chapter website and new President’s blog, the challenges in engaging members throughout Europe, professional development opportunities for IABC […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #68: September 15, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; new research from IABC Foundation; Google Blog Search; Yahoo! Mail; PodcastCon UK; a how-to ebook on podcasting; new white paper on corporate blogging; Chrysler media blog. Show notes for September 15, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 73-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The […]

A bright future for UK podcasting

A tremendous success – that’s my judgment of PodcastCon UK which took place in London on Saturday. Europe’s first conference on podcasting saw 120 or so people gathered together to present, talk, mix and get to know each other in an atmosphere of keen excitement. A massive tip of the hat to the four organizers […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #69: September 19, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (sound improvements;; podcasting in higher education, and in business schools with RSS and Blackberries; lighting the blogging flame; podcasts at different bit rates); Global PR Blog Week 2.0; review of PodcastCon UK; Sun warns employee bloggers about confidentiality; Phil Gomes starts a podcast; Business Week’s podcasting efforts; viral marketing […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #70: September 22, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (more on five-assed monkeys; training employees on blogging; teaser samples for podcast subscriptions; bad e-book websites; podcasting in education; software that blocks Skype; a communication challenge update); Dan York’s report; Global PR Blog Week 2.0 update; b5media blog network; is the CEO’s finger really on the pulse at Microsoft?; copyright […]

GM’s Bob Lutz: The disruptive communicator

He was the first General Motors executive blogger when the GM Fastlane Blog launched last January. Now he’s the first GM executive podcaster on FastLane Radio, GM’s podcast series launched in February. GM vice chairman Bob Lutz stars in a Q&A discussion with Bill O’Neill, GM’s executive director of communications. During much of the 20-minute […]

FIR Interview: Charles Pizzo, Katrina evacuee – September 25, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel and Neville spoke with Charles Pizzo, a 20-year veteran of communications, a top-ranked speaker and writer and a former Chairman of the Board of IABC and its Research Foundation. A native of New Orleans, Charles evacuated from that city following Hurricane Katrina and the total […]

The prize for Skype

Writing in the Financial Times last week, Stuart Henshall has an interesting analysis of Skype’s call forwarding functionality and what that could mean for eBay and Skype users following eBay’s acquisition of Skype a few weeks ago: […] With call transfer, by contrast, the call can be answered and redirected to either another Skype account […]