With so much information to sift through that comes in via RSS webfeeds, email, you name it, it’s getting so that what you have to do is scan stuff and give time only to what grabs your attention. And that means fast scan – quickly running your eye down a list of headlines in your […]
Category: Communication
Get wicked at gapingvoid
If you haven’t yet discovered Hugh Mcleod’s gapingvoid blog, you’re missing the most wicked humour there is on the internet. Yes, even better than Dilbert. Hugh creates the most excellent cartoons, many of which you wouldn’t want to let your mother see, but all of which illustrate intelligent insight into what makes things tick these […]
The rising influence and rapid growth of weblogs
In researching background over the weekend for a presentation I’m making at a conference in Amsterdam on 16 September, I discovered two separate but connected sets of information. Both clearly indicate that blogs as a major force of influence are beginning to be felt more strongly, and the growth in numbers of bloggers worldwide has […]
HP guides to blogging
Two moves by Hewlett-Packard into the blogging area. Well, as least guidance about blogging: HP US just published a guide to blogging for small- and medium-size businesses – Hewlett-Packard US | Small & Medium Business: technology tips | 101 Series: Blogging This is a very concise but quite a good guide to business blogging. And […]
Blog awards contest opens
The Best of the Blogs awards contest – the BOBS – promoted by German broadcaster Deutsche Welle opens today (see earlier post for details). One of the sponsors is TypePad, host for my blog. Good to see their ad on the BOBS site in 5 languages, not just English. The BOBS – Best of The […]
More fuel for RSS and marketing debate
More articles and comments continue to appear about RSS and whether or when it could replace email as a primary marketing communication channel. I’ve also posted about this subject recently as I believe it’s a topic that is of distinct interest to all communicators, not only those concerned with email and marketing. Robin Good published […]
PR policy for Microsoft blogger
Robert Scoble is undoubtedly the most high-profile and best-known Microsoft employee blogger – if not the best-known business-technology blogger, period – certainly in business and technology blogging circles and in the media. Robert’s blog Scobleizer and his link blog Scoble present reliable and trusted sources of rich information about what’s going on at Microsoft as well as […]
Blogging policies on the horizon
It’s just a matter of time before companies will implement policies or guidelines on blogging by employees. A report in Fortune magazine on 21 September discusses the benefits to companies of employees blogging, citing Sun Microsystems (about 100 employees) and Microsoft (about 1,000 employees) as leaders in this area. The article’s highly positive focus includes a […]
Sun’s true computing utility
This is the first time I’ve read an article on a (for me) relatively complex technology concept that enabled me to achieve all four of my ‘knowledge from communication’ goals: Understand it. Enjoy reading it. Warmly congratulate the writer for his ability to explain the concept in a way someone like me can understand it. […]
Spanish speakers blogging in English
Spanish blogger José Luis Orihuela has posted a long list of bloggers from all over the Spanish-speaking world who blog in English. His initial list is being added to with other names who leave comments to his post. What a great way to open up contact with others without the barriers of language! eCuarderno | […]
CEO podcasting
Now here’s an extremely interesting idea from Rex Hammock, speaking about a concept called ‘podcasting’ which involves an audio recording that’s posted to a website (not necessarily a blog) that you then listen to online or download and listen to it on your iPod or other such device: I can see a much quicker adoption […]
Time is no luxury for communicators
For everyone involved in organizational communication – be that PR, marketing communication, investor relations, employee communication or public affairs – one of the luxuries I see so many continuing to delude themselves with is that they have plenty of time to strategize, formulate, execute and measure as they progress their work in the traditional way […]
Microsoft’s real-time collaboration plans
The Register published an interview yesterday with Anoop Gupta, Corporate Vice President of the Real-Time Collaboration Business Unit at Microsoft. Geek-focused stuff. But some interesting things that PR, marketing and other communication professionals should pay attention to. Excerpts: Real-time collaboration is basically anything that involves instant-messenger style presence. And the fact that Bill Gates’ former […]
The role of PR in CEO blogging
Should PR stay completely out of the picture when the CEO starts a blog for public consumption? Or should PR be an element in planning how and what the CEO blogs? The answer is: It depends. There seems to be a school of thought that says there should be no role for PR in executive […]
Who says CEOs aren’t blogging?
Reading again through New Frontiers in Employee Communications: Current Practices and Future Trends, a survey report published in August by the Edelman PR agency (see my post today with a summary), I was thinking again about the report finding that nearly 20% of the survey respondents said, “My CEO would never blog.” It would be […]
Edelman CEO starts blogging
Just after posting my commentary on Who says CEOs aren’t blogging?, I see that Richard Edelman, the CEO of Edelman PR, started a blog on 29 September. Here’s his mission statement for the blog: My intention is share trends in communications, the issues, lessons and insights that I gather from managing this firm. […] I […]
Familiarize yourself with podcasting
Last week, I posted a brief comment about podcasting as an interesting potential channel for internal communication uses such as the CEO of a company recording a message for employees. This is a good example of how it could be used in an organizational communication context. But that’s just a scratch on the surface of […]
US PR association ignores blogging
If professional associations that represent communicators still don’t get it, it’s hardly surprising that there continue to be so many heads in the sand regarding blogging and other ‘new’ technologies that are of direct relevance to organizational communication. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – the world’s largest professional organization for PR practitioners, according […]
No CEO blogging: Good analysis or ignorance?
I commented last week on an employee communication survey by the Edelman PR agency entitled New Frontiers in Employee Communications: Current Practices and Future Trends (see post: Room for changes in internal communication). Among the findings in the survey report was this – nearly 20% of the survey respondents said, “My CEO would never blog.” […]
New knowledge portal for communicators launched
Communitelligence.com launched this week as the first global knowledge-sharing portal aimed at improving organizational and human communication. The site is being built and supported by global communication leaders, associations, schools and businesses linked to the common goals of elevating the profession and sharing best practices that can make all forms of communication more effective. The […]