The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #109: February 6, 2006

Content summary: The latest state of the blogosphere according to Technorati; new media in the travel business; practicing safe surfing and the global blogathon; the Google internet; BMW gets kicked off Google; Lee Hopkins report; tracking conversations with the Conversational Index and coComments; the Superbowl and the Six Nations Championship; revitalizing the press release; Eric […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #110: February 9, 2006

Content summary: Nvidia and its PR agency are accused of unethical viral marketing; follow-up to Google’s removal of BMW from its search; Gallup assesses the importance of blogs to web users; your value decreases the longer you’re unemployed; NPR opens the podcast floodgates; new services from Odeo; a report from Dan York; listeners’ comments discussion […]

Daily Telegraph’s new media expansion

Another indicator of how some mainstream media see podcasting as a big opportunity – The Daily Telegraph is advertising for two Podcast Reporters/Producers: […] We are looking for two individuals who are capable of creating high quality and engaging Podcasts that feature comment and opinion from both internal and external sources. The successful candidates will […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #111: February 13, 2006

Content summary: Low ethics pay-for-placement PR; Luke Armour’s PR paper; RSS software converts content into spam blogs; Eric Schwartzman interviews The New Yorker Magazine’s Ken Auletta; Coca-Cola sends bloggers to Torino; NBC’s The Office character blog; Lee Hopkins report; are there libel concerns with using coComment?; listeners’ comments discussion; preview: potential new FIR intro music; […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #112: February 16, 2006

Content summary: Steve Rubel and Micro Persuasion move to Edelman; approaching communication issues using new media; delivering the new PR in Manchester; has PR figured out podcasting yet?; Technorati and the Magic Middle; Dan York’s report; listeners’ comments discussion; the music; and more. Show notes for February 16, 2006 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The […]

Imagine if Chevron had used a blog instead

Listening this morning to a BBC World Service radio interview with Peter Robertson, vice-chairman of the Chevron oil company, I was struck in particular by his commentary about a website where the public can join Chevron in an online discussion about the future of energy. Overall, I found it a fascinating interview, with its discussion […]

The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #113: February 20, 2006

Content summary: Luke Armour’s PR paper download; New Communications Forum 2006; announcing IABC conference podcasts; what we’ve been up to this past week; the Techcrunch party; IABC Communication Commons launches; influential authorities on business blogging – survey; WELS goes to the next level; the Guinness UK marketing blog; Donald Rumsfeld’s call for better US government […]