In the funnel: what the market needs and wants -> employee -> leader. Grass roots communication in a very bright spotlight. Outstanding, Robert. Make it so, Microsoft. Robert Scoble | My message in a bottle to Bill Gates
Category: Communication
PRSA and IABC: Exercise leadership
Earlier this week, I posted commentary about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ignoring blogging. My post referenced commentary from the Business Blog Consulting blog which said that, in the forthcoming PRSA conference that takes place later this month, blogging doesn’t get a mention anywhere. What’s been happening since I posted my commentary is […]
The world of cultured messages
Just been reading a thought-provoking post by Evelyn Rodriguez on her Crossroads Dispatches blog. Core concept: The compartmentalization of business and “the rest of life” is breaking down. How we treat acquaintenances, family, friends, and colleagues can’t be night-and-day different from how we’d treat prospective or current customers. Yes, this seems entirely obvious. But the […]
BBC World radio broadcasts about blogs
Robert Scoble comments about a radio broadcast on the BBC World Service yesterday about blogging which features him and his blog. The broadcast, by Dow Jones journalist Jeremy Wagstaff, gives an overview of what blogs are, how they’ve grown in the past few years and why companies should get involved with them. He uses Scoble […]
IABC leader blog to launch
Following my post on Friday re PRSA and IABC, I discovered late on Saturday that a blog by 2004-2005 IABC Chairman, David Kistle, ABC, is imminent as this screenshot indicates. That answers the prime call: To start with, I’d like to see the leaders of the PRSA and IABC with a blog. I want to […]
Corporate blogging helps companies open up
A well-articulated article that discusses the pros and cons of corporate blogging, written by Trevor Cook for the Australian Financial Review Boss magazine: Corporate blogging is being heralded as the next big thing on the communications horizon, valued mostly for its potential to bring personality and authenticity to a bleak landscape of dull newsletters, breathless […]
How to use PowerPoint with skill and communicate better
Using a PowerPoint presentation effectively is one of the things many business people just don’t do well. How many presentations have you sat through where the presenter shows slides with 20 bullet points in 8-point type – and then proceeds to read each one out loud? Or slides with animated graphics, builds and transitions all […]
Technorati: Blogosphere ‘doubling at regular pace’
A month ago, I posted commentary on the rising influence and rapid growth of weblogs. That post included comment on how many blogs Technorati tracks and what blog growth looked like. I quoted figures from Technorati as at the end of July when Technorati reported it tracked 3 million blogs. When I posted my commentary […]
Podcasting defined
Scoble’s linkblog points to a good definition of podcasting from Wikipedia: Podcasting is the creation and aggregation of discrete, downloadable media files. Typically, audio files are created on a computer and then uploaded to a web server on the Internet. An RSS 2.0 feed with enclosure tags is then amended each time a new media […]
IABC Chairman blog live
The brand new blog by IABC Chairman David Kistle, ABC, is now live. In an introductory post, Kistle says: I want to be sure to talk about things you want to talk about… so now it’s your turn. Give me some feedback – good and bad – about how we’re doing and what’s important to […]
Technorati: Nearly 5 blog posts per second
Following statistics on growth of the blogosphere that I posted about yesterday comes more info from Technorati, this time on the sheer volume of blog posts. According to Technorati CEO David Sifry: With the tremendous growth in the number of weblogs also comes an increase in the number of posts per day, also known as […]
Two-way blogs and moderated conversations
When Richard Edelman, CEO of the Edelman PR agency, launched his blog in late September, he was welcomed enthusiastically by the PR blogging community. Two weeks on and after Edelman’s second post – he’s committed to posting once a week – some bloggers are a bit twitchy about how he’s blogging and how commenting is […]
NevOn Gmail
So, I now have a Gmail account. Thanks again, Steve! Now I can see for myself what everyone is raving about. Just changed my contact email for this blog to my new Gmail address, accessible in my About page.
Challenge to PRSA on blogging spreads
The challenge to the leadership of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) to including a track on blogging at the PRSA conference in New York in ten days time is spreading. Following commentary on a number of blogs last week and this, B.L. Ochman makes the challenge crystal clear in a post yesterday: PRSA […]
Conversation is a two-way street
More on two-way blogs and moderated conversations, from Tom Murphy at PR Opinions: Conversation is a two way street.You don’t see companies promoting customer service phone numbers and then not employing anyone to answer the phone (those annoying automated customer service systems at least answer the call). If you’re establishing a blog, you are doing […]
SCO legal website won’t be a blog
Enterprise software vendor SCO Group plans to launch a website to chronicle its legal battles relating to Unix and Linux, as part of an effort to counterbalance which was set up to poke holes in the company’s legal claims, a CNET News report says. The site, to be called and launching on 1 […]
Blogger pressure forces change at PRSA
In a remarkable about-turn, blogging will now be included as a workshop at the forthcoming conference of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in New York, which starts on 23 October. B.L. Ochman’s continuing pressure, supported by other bloggers including me, has convinced the PRSA to change its stance and agree to include a […]
Ads start arriving in RSS feeds
It was just a matter of time – RSS webfeeds are now starting to carry advertising. I’ve noticed in the past couple of weeks that some of the feeds I subscribe to contain advertising messages, so far with the message header prefixed with the word ‘AD.’ Engadget now includes an ad message at the end […]
SEC in high gear on technology push
The Wall Street Journal reports on how the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is rapidly implementing plans to deploy new technologies as part of its quest to modernize and make more effective the filing and information services it offers as well as fulfill its regulatory mandate. Post-Enron and WorldCom and armed with new technology, […]
Policies for employee blogging
More fuel for the discussion on why organizations must have clear policies in place concerning employee blogging, from Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg: If you’re an employee, and you identify yourself as such on your weblog, you better know what the ramifications will be at work. Frustration is always the result of expectation and unless […]