A guy has a great idea for a product or service that companies would very likely buy, certainly enough that the idea has money-making potential. He’s trying to get some financial backers. So he’s sitting in his local Starbucks on the wifi sending some emails and his business plan. Someone asks if the next seat […]
Category: Innovation
Apple launches video iPod
On the road until the weekend, posting will resume then. Meanwhile, one item for you, briefly discussed in FIR #76 (recorded yesterday, a day earlier than usual). The speculation was correct – yesterday Apple launched a video iPod. My recommendation – forget the iPod nano; this is the one to get. Just look at the […]
Open source film making
If you can post the content of a book to a blog as you develop the book, why not a film? That’s precisely what Scottish film director David MacKenzie is doing with the script for Hallam Foe, a film based on the novel by Peter Jinks. Hugh MacLeod writes: […] So here’s what we decided. […]
Kick starting new copyright laws
A subject I’ve posted about before is that of the inadequacies of copyright laws in this age of instant copy-and-paste and relying on decades (if not centuries) old geographical-based laws to help you protect your intellectual property rights. So it was with keen interest I read Copyright for the digital age on the BBC News […]
The secret of Apple’s success
Apple may be just a minor player in the computer and consumer electronics industries in terms of revenue ($14 billion in fiscal 2005) and market share (less than 5% worldwide) but, Fortune magazine says, it is now undeniably setting the pace for both of those industries in terms of hardware, software, and industrial design. Fortune’s […]
Les Blogs 2.0 will change the way you think
If you’re planning to join the more than 120 people already signed up to participate in Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris on 5-6 December, get clear in your mind right now that this will be no ordinary conference: A New World is here Don’t you feel the rules and our world are changing ? Don’t […]
BBC innovation to annotate audio content
The BBC is involved in some major innovation for audio-visual content management that looks far beyond the needs of only a mainstream broadcaster. Tom Coates writes a detailed post describing the BBC’s Annotatable Audio Project, an experimental internal-BBC-only project designed to allow you to collectively describe, segment and annotate audio in a Wikipedia-style fashion. He […]
Video publishing and other cool things
Interesting developments with video, blogs and mobile phones. Videos of the panel sessions at Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris earlier this month are now available from Vpod.tv, a new video publishing venture from entrepreneur Rodrigo Sepúlveda. You can stream the video (amazing quality) or download the files (big, +/- 200 megs each). (Now’s your chance […]
Window shopping
“Displax developed by Edigma combines rear projection holographic screens with finger tracking to bring interactive storefront displays to retailers and various commercial applications. Displax® – Interactive Window allows human interaction in a shop window, with multimedia applications, emission and record of sounds, detection of human presence in front of the display, etc.” Not exactly hot […]
How to be an internet millionaire
Daily Telegraph: A student who hoped to graduate without debt by setting up a website offering internet advertising space has made £519,000 in only four months. Alex Tew, 21, a first-year business management student at Nottingham University, said he hoped to achieve his aim of making a million dollars – £578,000 – early in the […]
Book, blook and podcasts
Here’s a neat idea – post the chapters of your book to your blog (sound familiar?) and record each chapter as a podcast. The book in question is hackoff.com: An Historic Murder Mystery set in the Internet Bubble and Rubble, a novel by Tom Evslin, who started posting chapters last September under a Creative Commons […]
Discovering Windows Live
Light blogging until the weekend as I’ll be in London tonight for the first UK preview of Microsoft’s Windows Live. Windows Live is a set of personal internet services and software designed to bring together in one place all of the relationships, information and interests people care about most, with more safety and security features […]
Microsoft’s Windows Live power play
Participating in the first UK preview of Windows Live in London last Thursday evening was a worthwhile experience. This event was the first public (ie, to a private group) UK presentation of and discussion about the collection of new internet-based services from Microsoft that are currently in beta testing. I’ve not yet directly experienced any […]
Sound comfort for sailors
It’s comforting to know that HMS Daring, the first of the Royal Navy’s latest Type 45 destroyers launched on Wednesday, is fitted with the most advanced state-of-the-art weapons and defence systems. For instance: […] The main armament for the new destroyers will be the world-beating Principal Anti Air Missile System (PAAMS) – a collaboration between […]
30Boxes first look
I’ve been following the growing blogosphere buzz during the past week about 30 Boxes, a new online calendar application that some are saying is the killer calendar application. So I signed up for the beta yesterday. Noodled around with it for thirty minutes or so, added some appointments to my new calendar, set my preferences […]
Comments are integral parts of the conversation
While I’m still having a bit of difficulty figuring out whether the 30Boxes calendaring service is worth spending any time with or not, I’m having no such difficulty in seeing the value of a service like coComment. The concept of this is brilliantly simple – provide a means through which any comment you make on […]
Record audio at Odeo
Odeo, the podcasting service and directory launched last July, now offers a recording capability where you can record a commentary about a podcast: […] There is now a “Reply” button under the audio player on Odeo pages. This way, when you record and share an Odeo with people, they will be able to record a […]