The audience is in charge: Making the case for the new internal communication model

What are the key issues about blogs, wikis and other communication channels that senior internal communication managers need to be thinking about right now in the context of effective employee engagement? In my conversations with senior internal communicators in mid-size and large companies in some European countries, I continue to encounter blank looks or comments […]

Challenges and optimism for internal communication

I’m cautiously optimistic about the future of internal communication in Europe following Driving Business Performance Through Employee Engagement, the two-day conference on internal communication I spoke at that took place in Amsterdam on 16 and 17 September. About 80 senior communicators participated from organizations across Europe, from more than 18 countries: from Norway to Italy, […]

Time is no luxury for communicators

For everyone involved in organizational communication – be that PR, marketing communication, investor relations, employee communication or public affairs – one of the luxuries I see so many continuing to delude themselves with is that they have plenty of time to strategize, formulate, execute and measure as they progress their work in the traditional way […]

Room for changes in internal communication

Earlier this week, I read through New Frontiers in Employee Communications: Current Practices and Future Trends, a report on an employee communication survey published in August by PR firm Edelman. Edeman surveyed communication professionals in companies across North America to learn more about the variety of information channels that companies use to communicate to their […]

New knowledge portal for communicators launched launched this week as the first global knowledge-sharing portal aimed at improving organizational and human communication. The site is being built and supported by global communication leaders, associations, schools and businesses linked to the common goals of elevating the profession and sharing best practices that can make all forms of communication more effective. The […]

PRSA and IABC: Exercise leadership

Earlier this week, I posted commentary about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ignoring blogging. My post referenced commentary from the Business Blog Consulting blog which said that, in the forthcoming PRSA conference that takes place later this month, blogging doesn’t get a mention anywhere. What’s been happening since I posted my commentary is […]

Two-way blogs and moderated conversations

When Richard Edelman, CEO of the Edelman PR agency, launched his blog in late September, he was welcomed enthusiastically by the PR blogging community. Two weeks on and after Edelman’s second post – he’s committed to posting once a week – some bloggers are a bit twitchy about how he’s blogging and how commenting is […]

Conversation is a two-way street

More on two-way blogs and moderated conversations, from Tom Murphy at PR Opinions: Conversation is a two way street.You don’t see companies promoting customer service phone numbers and then not employing anyone to answer the phone (those annoying automated customer service systems at least answer the call). If you’re establishing a blog, you are doing […]

Don’t forget the reality checks

Like most communicators who blog, I’m a strong advocate for encouraging, persuading, prodding and cajoling my fellow communicators into introducing blogs in their organizations as part of their communication planning. This isn’t a blind, because-it’s-there thing – although, depending on the organization, elements of that approach can be a very good idea in applying a […]