If you want more hard evidence of how real-world companies are gaining business benefit from blogs, look no further than the experience of Clip-n-Seal. Christopher Carfi, CEO of Cerado, Inc, posted a great interview with Scott Benish, Brand Manager for Clip-n-Seal, on his blog. Just two of the Q&A will make you want to read […]
Category: Marketing
One more tool in your marketing toolbox
Charlene Li at industry analysts Forrester Research has some sound advice from Bill Flitter, VP of Marketing at Pheedo, on successful blog best practice: Focus on your core interest area to establish yourself as an expert. Create at least 15-20 meaningful posts BEFORE you open your blog to the public. When people visit for the […]
Don’t forget the reality checks
Like most communicators who blog, I’m a strong advocate for encouraging, persuading, prodding and cajoling my fellow communicators into introducing blogs in their organizations as part of their communication planning. This isn’t a blind, because-it’s-there thing – although, depending on the organization, elements of that approach can be a very good idea in applying a […]
Microsoft executive emails: Great blog candidates
For some time, I’ve subscribed to Microsoft executive emails, the ones that periodically come out under either Bill Gates’ or, more usually, Steve Ballmer’s name. These emails address topical technology-in-business issues, and discuss how they relate to Microsoft’s products and services, obviously with a clear and strong Microsoft view. While some people cynically view these […]
Firefox call to arms paying off
Red Herring has an interview with Rob Davis, the man behind the Firefox marketing campaign behind the New York Times ad. A reminder of the marketing story so far: The Mozilla Foundation wanted to raise money to support launch activities for Firefox 1.0 upon its release on 9 November, including a full-page advertisement in the […]
Yet more reasons for policies on blogging
ComputerWorld has a very good article on the legal issues and potential liabilities facing companies whose employees blog, whether those employees do so officially or not. The article discusses topics that include libel, disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information, careless statements that can be used during litigation, the risks of loose-cannon bloggers, and advocates […]
What’s in a name? Plenty, if it’s Spam
Two very different takes on the same story that Hormel, makers of Spam, the eponymous luncheon meat food product, is embarking on a TV advertising blitz in the UK next week. As reported by Silicon.com: Spam: ‘It’s a meat’ insists Hormel. Spiced-ham maker Hormel has announced a massive UK advertising campaign in what may be […]
Corporate blogging: Setting the ground rules
Yesterday, I posted a contribution to the Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog collaborative blog on the subject of establishing clear policies regarding corporate blogging. It’s a mini-essay that discusses why companies and organizations need to pay attention now to how they enable blogging as a communication channel, and avoid messy and potentially damaging outcomes […]
The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Here’s a good example of someone involved in marketing who either just doesn’t get it or feels intimidated by a communication channel that he doesn’t understand. I’m talking about blogs, of course. There’s a bloke in the US called Robert Bly who apparently is a copywriting wiz. He wrote an article in DM News about […]
Unconventional thinking comes to traditional ad agency
News that the bastion of traditional advertising, J. Walter Thompson – part of the WPP Group communication services conglomerate – has hired someone in a key senior role who represents the new face of creativity with an interesting track record of original, unconventional and non-traditional thinking. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that JWT […]
Corporate blogging: Start slowly but start now
A report just out by IT industry analysts Forrester Research recommends that corporate use of blogs should vary based on business goals, and companies should start slowly with blogs but start with them now. The research was conducted by Forrester analyst Charlene Li, who started a blog in September. The 18-page research report is available […]
Developing a conversation with Bob Bly
Last week, copywriter Bob Bly became the target for highly critical comment all over the blogosphere following an article he wrote in DM News that said blogging is a complete waste of time. As other bloggers did I posted commentary about Bly’s article, under the title The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it. […]
Codes and policies to blog by
A welcome contribution to a clear code of practice for bloggers comes from Charlene Li at Forrester Research. As part of a report into corporate blogging that Charlene prepared, and which Forrester published last week, come 13 suggestions for a blogger ‘code of ethics’ (I prefer the expression ‘code of practice’): I will tell the […]
Gaining an education
Looks like copywriter Bob Bly has come around to the view that perhaps blogs aren’t a complete waste of time after all: B.L. Ochman | Bob Bly Would Like Some Marketing Blog ROI Info Related NevOn posts: Developing a conversation with Bob Bly The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Podcast your voice brand
Music and sound can be an integral part of a business’s brand, say Fast Company and Strategize. Many leaders listen to music to inspire creativity and innovation. And it’s been found that corporate voicemail welcome messages can make an impact on your business and bottom line. The Top 100 Voice Brands project collects recordings of […]
The minister of silly walks online
John Cleese has a website! Lots of very silly things and the Church of Jesus Christ Capitalists. Very Pythonesque. An extension of the Cleese brand – it costs $50 to get access to "laughs, exclusive sketches, CleeseTV streaming videos, limited edition merch and meet and greet opps, access to the community, message boards, periodical chat […]
More advice on corporate blogging
Yet more advice for communicators to pay attention to, from Michael Gartenberg at Jupiter Research: Blogs are rapidly becoming a mainstream technology, but there’s lot at stake when an individual or business begins blogging to the outside world. Some organizations have a culture that allows for blogging to take place with minimal disruption, and blogging […]
The problem with marketing
Is marketing as a function or profession in crisis? According to a UK survey carried out by The Marketing Society and McKinsey, it is. The Financial Times reports on the survey and on the negative views of marketing held in many boardrooms: Not everyone will care if marketing is in trouble. However, since successful marketing […]
Helping Firefox spread the word
If you’re a committed Firefox user and want to help spread the word more than just by including a graphic on your blog, here’s how you can. Things you can do include: Translate flyers Help translate the Mozilla Europe pages (see also Mozilla Europe’s wiki) Help translate applications from the Mozilla Foundation (this isn’t usually […]
Weblog Awards contest begins
The 2004 Weblog Awards contest is open for accepting nominations. Lots of categories, so something for just about everyone. For full details about the awards, the categories and the nomination procedures, see the nominations master post on the blog. I’m nominated in the Best European (Non-UK) Blog category. Ok, so I nominated my own blog – […]