RSS gets down to business

RSS is moving into the business realm with the release this week of RSSCalendar, a free web-based service for sharing calendar data over the Internet, CNET News reports. Developer John Pacchetti released a trial version of RSSCalendar last month. The service allows a user to convert and publish calendar data as an RSS feed. Friends, […]

RSS on your phone with iFeedYou

I discovered a new (to me) RSS service with a difference. Swiss-based iFeedYou offers access to various RSS webfeeds much as some other web-based RSS services do. Where iFeedYou adds value is that you can also view your RSS webfeeds from your mobile phone (WAP or iMode) or a PDA. Looks interesting. How does it […]

RSS on the mainstream verge

Another good example of how RSS is being used more and more as the information center of choice. Greg Hughes says he saves about 300 hours of time per week because he gets much of his information through RSS webfeeds: I use RSS feeds for practically everything now. Rarely do I browse to a web […]

RSS complements email marketing

There’s been quite a bit of discussion recently on RSS taking over the job that email traditionally has done in marketing. Rick Bruner made a good case last month for why you shouldn’t just switch to RSS with One (Percent) Reason Why Not to Switch From Email to RSS. His post generated some good comments. […]

More fuel for RSS and marketing debate

More articles and comments continue to appear about RSS and whether or when it could replace email as a primary marketing communication channel. I’ve also posted about this subject recently as I believe it’s a topic that is of distinct interest to all communicators, not only those concerned with email and marketing. Robin Good published […]

Create your own RSS webfeed

While RSS is still on my mind today, following my post a few hours ago about RSS and marketing, let me tell you about a free program that will enable you to create your own RSS webfeeds if you wanted to try out RSS yourself. Try out in the sense of creating as opposed to […]

RSS: Orange not blue

Those little orange XML buttons you see on blogs and websites are becoming more prolific. They signify a link to the site’s RSS webfeed. So a quick right-click and it’s easy to add a feed, a new channel, to your RSS reader (I use FeedDemon and it’s dead easy). For some time, I’ve had this […]

Cool RSS web stickies

Playing with an interesting little web app – Webnote. Here’s what it is: Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available. You start by creating a workspace and creating notes […]

New RSS reader targets bloggers

There’s a new RSS reader on the market – Blog Navigator. Folllowing beta testing for the past few months, Stardock – about whom I’ve posted on their Windows customization apps – released version 1.0 yesterday. From the press release: Blog Navigator is a program designed to make it easy for users who enjoy reading blogs […]