So this time next weekend, I’ll be in Paris for the Les Blogs one-day conference on 25 April organized by Loic Le Meur of Six Apart. That event is a sell out, with 257 participants signed up. It’s interesting to see where people are coming from – Loic has a breakdown which shows that people […]
Category: Social Networks
Talk and images about Blognomics
Yesterday’s Blognomics conference at the RAI conference center in Amsterdam was a terrific event. With about 85 participants, there were so many great people to meet. I commented about it in yesterday’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, so I won’t repeat all that here in a post. If you’d like to listen […]
It’s all happening in France – Part 2
Just about to unplug the PC from the net so I can get going. Off to Paris on the Thalys where I’ll be participating in Les Blogs, the one-day conference about social networks, blogging, nanopublishing and where it’s all heading which takes place at the French Senate on Monday. I’ll be one of 257 participants […]
Hanging out in Paris
What a great day so far. Arrived in Paris mid afternoon, met up with David Tebbutt and off to our hotels. A socializing afternoon and evening in some fabulous company. As the pic shows, that’s me sandwiched in between Halley Suitt and Mary Hodder. Truly a thorn between two roses 😉 This was taken in […]
Les Blogs quotes
I’m sitting next to Fredrik Wacka here at Les Blogs. Back row in the room, closest place to a power connection and a wireless access point. I’ve known Fredrik for about six months, but today’s the first time we’ve actually met face to face. That’s the nature of the new trust model – you don’t […]
‘Social’ goes hand in hand with ‘network’
This morning, I was looking at some of the photos uploaded to Flickr by many of the 257 people who participated in Les Blogs. Some great photos, and a pleasure to view them. It isn’t so much the photos themselves that’s caught my attention, though. What did that is an amazing number – 1,200. That’s […]
The price of evangelism
During my trip to the UK last week, I had the pleasure of meeting up with some friends for dinner on one evening and, on another, a dinner with fellow speakers for a conference at which I’ll be speaking next month. Two excellent and enjoyable business/social events yet with some great contrasts in mindsets and […]
Upcoming geek dinner in London
Note for your diary – Tuesday 7 June in London. Geek dinner hosted by Hugh McLeod and Robert Scoble “for anyone interested in meeting up and talking about cool stuff.” Sounds like my kind of event, and already some interesting people going, so I’ll be there! Lloyd Davis has started a wiki so you can […]
Social software: Out of the lab and into mass culture
As someone who’s more into the ‘fusion cuisine’ side of new communication tools and channels rather than the theoretical/cerebral analysis side, I tend not to spend an extraordinary amount of time in digesting long essays and white papers about new media or social networks. Give me the executive summary every time. That changed this morning. […]
Skype blogs to create community
Skype has started a blog – and it looks very good indeed. This could be a great example of how a blog can play a key role in building and cementing positive relationships with customers. One of the ongoing criticisms of Skype has been the way in which the company really hasn’t engaged well with […]
Upcoming geek extravaganza in London
The last time I looked at the sign-up wiki for the London geek dinner next month, there were some 80 names. I looked again just now – and it’s 127. Wow! It would be an easy conclusion to jump to in saying that the big attraction is probably the opportunity to share a margarita or […]
EPIC update 2015
Is this a vision of the very near future? Brazil, 1984, Blade Runner and The Matrix all rolled up into one? Or perhaps an Elliott Carver-esque future but without the mainstream media (or James Bond)? Whatever you might think of how we all will publish and consume news and information in the coming years, and […]
Flickr’d events
I’ve just uploaded quite a few photos to Flickr: London Geek dinner 7 June: 25 photos (Flickr tags: londongeekdinner0607 and londongeekdinner) – views of a stroll from Green Park, down Duke Street, into St James Square, along the Mall, around Trafalgar Square and then to the Texas Embassy cantina in Cockspur Street for the London […]
Reboot7 talk
Reboot 7.0 took place in Copenhagen last week, an event I’d have loved to have been at (if I hadn’t been presenting at the Communication Directors Forum, I would definitely have been there). Already plenty of talk about presentations, conversations, etc, which you can track via the Technorati tag. That page includes links to other […]
It’s worth hanging out in the IABC Cafe
It seems a distant memory now that, after the IABC Chair blog launched last October, it quickly reached a nadir in expectations, engagement, involvement, leadership, worthwhile content, you name it. That changed when incoming Chairman Warren Bickford took over as chief blogger and relaunched it as the IABC Cafe. And what a change! The Cafe […]
Success for Dutch business blog meeting
One of the great things about presenting on new media communication channels to a group of people of which over 90% are active bloggers is that it certainly keeps you focused on the precise relevance of the points you’re making and which they’re expecting to hear about. That was very much the case yesterday when […]
Let the IABC conference blogging begin!
Probably the best professional development and networking event for business communicators, anywhere in the world, begins tomorrow 26 June in Washington, DC. It’s the IABC international conference, the annual get-together for hundreds of communicators from around the world. This year’s 4-day event is special from two perspectives – first, it’s IABC’s 35th anniversary year; and […]
The new trust changes everything
Last month, when Fredrik and I advertised in our respective blogs for freelance writers to join us in a communication project we’re jointly working on, we were taking the next steps in a Big Experiment we’d started. This Big Experiment is to do with collaborative working and the role of blogs, and what that means […]
It’s all happening in France – Part 3
Business Week, 11 July edition: […] Turns out, smoke-filled cafés aren’t the only places where the French like to spend hours in existential debate. France has become a nation of bloggers. An estimated 5% of residents have set up blogs, a far greater percentage than in most other countries, including the U.S., where an estimated […]
We’re not afraid
I had an email overnight from Pete Quily in Canada telling me about We’re Not Afraid, a blog set up last week following the London bombings that publishes photos from people around the world who aren’t afraid: […] By saying we are not afraid, we are really saying that although we have lost people, friends, […]