Hanging out in Paris

What a great day so far. Arrived in Paris mid afternoon, met up with David Tebbutt and off to our hotels. A socializing afternoon and evening in some fabulous company. As the pic shows, that’s me sandwiched in between Halley Suitt and Mary Hodder. Truly a thorn between two roses 😉 This was taken in […]

The price of evangelism

During my trip to the UK last week, I had the pleasure of meeting up with some friends for dinner on one evening and, on another, a dinner with fellow speakers for a conference at which I’ll be speaking next month. Two excellent and enjoyable business/social events yet with some great contrasts in mindsets and […]

Flickr’d events

I’ve just uploaded quite a few photos to Flickr: London Geek dinner 7 June: 25 photos (Flickr tags: londongeekdinner0607 and londongeekdinner) – views of a stroll from Green Park, down Duke Street, into St James Square, along the Mall, around Trafalgar Square and then to the Texas Embassy cantina in Cockspur Street for the London […]

Reboot7 talk

Reboot 7.0 took place in Copenhagen last week, an event I’d have loved to have been at (if I hadn’t been presenting at the Communication Directors Forum, I would definitely have been there). Already plenty of talk about presentations, conversations, etc, which you can track via the Technorati tag. That page includes links to other […]

Let the IABC conference blogging begin!

Probably the best professional development and networking event for business communicators, anywhere in the world, begins tomorrow 26 June in Washington, DC. It’s the IABC international conference, the annual get-together for hundreds of communicators from around the world. This year’s 4-day event is special from two perspectives – first, it’s IABC’s 35th anniversary year; and […]