If you’re interested in Costa Rica – a real paradise in my experience – you might be interested in participating in Foro Tico, a new discussion forum that opened last week. This is the place where Costa Ricans hang out to talk about things that interest them. Things in the news, politics, sport, what’s on […]
Category: Social Networks
Manage your online presence with Jyve for Skype
If you use the Skype internet phone service, you know that it’s a very useful tool for easy communication that can save you considerable sums of money on your phone bill compared to ‘normal’ phone services. The example I posted in January, where I commented on the astonishingly-low cost of a 35-minute conference call, is […]
Virtual Earth first looks
Wow! Virtual Earth is impressive. I just went to the website, clicked on the ‘Locate Me’ button, told it to find me using my computer’s IP address, and it did just that in less than three seconds. What is Virtual Earth? From the FAQ: Virtual Earth is a new map and search system soon to […]
Changing the 2015 history lesson
If you read US journalist Bob Cauthorn’s lengthy post on Corante’s Rebuilding Media, you might get a strong impression that blogs and mainstream media are a mixture that should never, ever, come together. Ne’er the twain shall meet, in fact: […] Memo to mainstream media: You don’t get to blog. You have a publishing apparatus. […]
BlogHer today
There’s quite an event taking place today in California – the BlogHer conference. The brainchild of Elisa Camahort and Lisa Stone, BlogHer will answer this question: […] Men, as well as women, have been asking, "Where are the women?" And we have been responding…we’re right here. That the same question is being asked now as […]
Support a charity trek in Peru
In September, three women will be trekking the Inca Trail in Peru to raise money for a worthy charity campaign. One of the three is Pam Hobson, my sister, who says: Between 14th & 27th September I will be undertaking the most arduous challenge of my life! […] With my friends Karen Slatford and Fiona […]
PodcastCon UK gears up
Coming in September – PodcastCon UK, the first conference in Europe dedicated to podcasting. According to the sign-up wiki today, nearly 50 people have signed up so far. The organizers – Paul Nicholls, Alex Bellinger, Neil Dixon and Adrian Pegg – have done no real publicity yet so this is all word-of-mouth and via blogs. […]
IABC Cafe adds more bloggers
It goes from strength to strength – the IABC Cafe adds guest baristas to the roster of bloggers, joining chief barista Warren Bickford. Since Warren took the helm of this IABC blog in April, he has shaped it into a place that you really do want to vist and listen to or participate in the […]
Hurdle-jumping with Linkedin
Two thought-provoking posts this week by two bloggers whose opinions I value have got me thinking about the pros and cons of connecting via business-focused social networks, and mirror some experiences of my own with LinkedIn. Last weekend, Renee Blodgett wrote about how some people abuse the linking process in Linkedin, quoting a view by […]
Around the blog in Paris
A one-day conference is being organized in Paris on 11 October designed to introduce participants to communication tools complementary to blogs such as RSS, podcasting, videocasting and tracking/buzz measurement – all elements of participatory communication. Set up as a series of informal roundtables, the event is being organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of […]
Paris blog conference update
Plans proceed apace for Around The Blog, the one-day conference in Paris organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of which I am an alliance partner) which takes place on 11 October. More speakers are on board, we now have the venue confirmed, and the price – just €85, which you can pay via PayPal […]
Mark your diary for Les Blogs 2.0
Following the success of Les Blogs, the one-day conference that took place in Paris last April, Loic le Meur is organizing Les Blogs 2.0 which will take place in Paris as a two-day conference on 5 and 6 December. I’m honoured to be working with Loic and others in an advisory role to help plan […]
Blog Day connections
Today is BlogDay, the day when it’s great to be part of a way to make some new connections. So I decided to link to some blogs that I’ve not directly connected to before, all from my PubSub and Technorati watchlists that show bloggers who have linked to some of my posts during the past […]
Microsoft snaps up Teleo
The instant messaging market just shifted up a few gears with the news today that Microsoft has acquired Teleo, the Skype-like internet phone/chat service. In a press release this morning, Microsoft said it plans to use this acquisition as a means to greatly extend the capabilities of MSN Messenger. An announcement on the Teleo website […]
A powerful combination for Les Blogs 2.0
Exciting news from Blogging Planet, the communication consultancy in which I’m an alliance partner with Guillaume du Gardier, Elizabeth Albrycht and Christoph Ducamp. Loic Le Meur of Six Apart has invited Blogging Planet to co-produce Les Blogs 2.0, a two-day conference scheduled for 5-6 December in Paris. And, given how close the dates are for […]
Communicating the power of 3
Listening to eBay’s investor conference call last night which took place to discuss eBay’s acquisition of Skype, and following along with the slide presentation (PDF), it’s now clearer to me what the expected synergies are from this deal from eBay‘s and Skype‘s perspectives. It’s something they’re calling the Power of 3: (Click to see a […]
London podcasting conference set for success
Europe’s first conference on podcasting takes place in London tomorrow, and it looks clear that it will be a terrific event. So far, 128 people have signed up and paid their ₤30 to participate in PodcastCon UK. The sign-up wiki shows a further 35 people who still might be there once they’ve paid the small […]
A bright future for UK podcasting
A tremendous success – that’s my judgment of PodcastCon UK which took place in London on Saturday. Europe’s first conference on podcasting saw 120 or so people gathered together to present, talk, mix and get to know each other in an atmosphere of keen excitement. A massive tip of the hat to the four organizers […]
Blog a movie and influence the world
Spotted in a post by Hugh MacLeod – an innovative (and, today, hardly surprising) approach to building buzz about a movie by getting bloggers to talk about it. In return, they get free tickets to the US preview. The details are in an Instapundit post: […] The PR folks for the forthcoming Joss Whedon (Buffy, […]
Spreading the word in Europe
As we head into the last quarter of 2005, it’s great to see so many worthwhile professional development events taking place during the next few months which either are wholly about social media from the business perspective or prominently include this broad topic as a constituent part of a conference or seminar. I invest quite […]