Use Gmail as a hard drive

A nifty idea – set up your Gmail account so that it lets you use Gmail as a place to store things: files, games, music, images, programs, whatever you want to store: GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google GMail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on […]

SkypeIn beta launched

Things move very quickly these days, especially in the technology industry. No sooner had I posted commentary yesterday about more developments at Skype including SkypeIn – the new pay-for service from Skype, where you can get a phone number and people can call you, expected to be launched soon – than a tip-off from a […]

How to optimize Firefox

If you want to set up Firefox on your Windows PC so that it runs as fast and smoothly as possible, and without having to figure out all those cryptic programming commands when you type ‘about:config’ in the address bar, then Firetune looks like the number. As evangelized by David Taylor in Home Computer Magazine: […]

Easy podcast tag editing

If you do podcasting on a Windows PC, you’ll find AudioShell extremely useful. AudioShell is a freeware Windows Explorer shell extension plugin which allows you to view and edit music file tags directly in Windows Explorer. It adds tag editor and viewer tabs to the properties page of music files. You can edit tags file […]

BeOS gets a new life

Om Malik writes: Hey anyone remember the funky ole BeOS which became such a darling of the hackers, and died a horrible death with Apple chose to buy NextOS and bring back Steve Jobs. Well looks like it is not dead after all, thanks to a German software start-up, Yellow Tab. They have turned BeOS […]

More Skype and more MSN

Internet phone service provider Skype has released a new update to version 1.2 of its desktop application for Windows. The new version offers enhanced user benefits including a centralized contacts list (meaning you can access your list of contacts from any computer you use to connect to Skype, not just the one you usually use), […]