One thing I’ve had some difficulty in fully understanding is how the new Technorati tags work. For instance, I’d regard this post as to do with weblogs. So based on how I understand the system, what I’d do is include this tag: <a href=”” rel=”tag”>Weblogs</a> The text in red is the key bit. It seems […]
Category: Web/Tech
How to use iPodder
This is very neat – a simple audio-visual guide on how to use iPodder, a program that enables you to manage your podcasts and, optionally, synchronize them with your iPod or other digital player if you have one. Lisa Williams has put together an entertaining 4-minute video that explains how. I followed the video and […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #6: February 7, 2005
Show notes for February 7, 2005. Welcome to our weekly podcast, a 46:41-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 21.4MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital […]
EU anti-spam measures face uphill struggle
Thirteen European Union countries have agreed to boost cooperation to tackle unsolicited commercial email, aka junk email and spam. The thirteen are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, and Spain. InfoWorld says that under an agreement announced by the European Commission yesterday, the countries’ antispam authorities have […]
Skype has a problem with SkypeOut
My wife is a big user of SkypeOut, the paid-for part of the Skype internet phone service. Using SkypeOut for making international calls to normal phones saves a small fortune on our phone bill (see this example). We have family and friends in Costa Rica, so using SkypeOut to call there makes great sense for […]
New version of Feed Demon available
Via Chris Pirillo, news that version 1.5 of the Feed Demon RSS reader for Windows is now available. I’ve been testing pre-release betas for the past few months and can say it’s a terrific program. If you want a program that manages all your RSS feeds and, with this version, includes some superb tools for […]
A snapshot of Google
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal reports on Google’s meeting with financial analysts on Wednesday, the first such meeting since the company’s initial public offering last August. Earlier this month, Google reported fourth-quarter earnings that roughly doubled from a year earlier. The Journal’s report (and related reporting, noted below) is helpful in getting to know some aspects […]
Six Apart may be acquisition target
A speculative story in discusses the future of Six Apart, asking whether it’s a prime target for Yahoo to add to its portfolio of offerings. The article quotes David Hornik, a Six Apart board member and a partner in August Capital, saying, “Six Apart is not in conversations about being acquired by anyone.” Last […]
Use VoIP and go to jail
Last week, I posted commentary on problems using SkypeOut, the paid-for service offered by the Skype internet phone service. I used the example of my wife’s unsuccessful efforts to call numbers in Costa Rica, where we have family and friends. Since that post, something happened. All of a sudden, calls to the numbers concerned have […]
Business podcasting is taking off
It’s been interesting reading some of the reactions by business bloggers to General Motors’ first experiment with podcasting last week. This Technorati list has lots of blog commentaries, mostly positive, although most don’t discuss the podcasts from the specific communication point of view. Quick recap: GM produced two MP3 files that they mentioned in a […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #7: February 14, 2005
Show notes for February 14, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 46:43-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]
Blogging and RSS make the event
Ian Betteridge, Technovia: Demo is getting a vast amount of attention because [there] are a vast number of bloggers there, all pouring what must amount to thousands of words onto the Internet about it. I don’t know what the organisers have done to encourage this, but there’s a lesson for a lot of companies – […]
Yet more signs for podcasting growth
BBC News: One in 10 adult Americans – equivalent to 22 million people – owns an MP3 player, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project. […] MP3 players are still the gadget of choice for younger adults. Almost one in five US citizens aged under 30 have one. […] People are beginning to […]
FT and The Economist offer RSS feeds
As a long-time subscriber to the Financial Times online edition, I’ve wished they would offer RSS feeds instead of email alerts and newsletters. I’ve unsubscribed from every email newsletter from every website that offers them wherever there’s an RSS alternative. I had some email correspondence with the FT last October about RSS; they told me […]
50 more Gmail invites
Google’s generosity with Gmail invitations continues – my Gmail invitation count is back up to 50 again. If you’d like an invitation to open a Gmail account, leave your comment request here.
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #8: February 17, 2005
Show notes for February 17, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 37-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]
Microsoft press releases via RSS
For the past couple of years, I’ve subscribed to the Microsoft PressPass email newsletter which lets me know on a regular basis the top stories published in the press area of Microsoft’s website. I’ve unsubscribed now – one less email in the overall inbox clutter! – because PressPass now offers an RSS feed for those […]
Start up with unrealistic expectations
Insights into the world of start-ups from Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequioa Capital, one of the most successful venture capital firms in the world. The Financial Times interviewed Moritz and reports his views on some of the biggest successes (and not-so-successes) of the internet era, as well as the pursuit of the next big […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #9: February 21, 2005
Show notes for February 21, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 47:14-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 19.4MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]
An open conversation with General Motors
A few hours ago, Shel and I had the pleasure of an 18-minute conversation with Michael Wiley, Director New Media, GM Communications, at General Motors. We interviewed Michael for the 21 February edition of our bi-weekly podcast show For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report. In our conversation, we discussed the GM FastLane Blog, […]