If you want to set up Firefox on your Windows PC so that it runs as fast and smoothly as possible, and without having to figure out all those cryptic programming commands when you type ‘about:config’ in the address bar, then Firetune looks like the number. As evangelized by David Taylor in Home Computer Magazine: […]
Category: Web/Tech
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #17: March 21, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments: on suggestions for how to comment, video and vlogging trends, differences between internal blogs and bulletin boards; interview – an open conversation with Steve Rubel; discussion about the interview; planned changes in show format for future interviews. Show notes for March 21, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #18: March 24, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments: on reporting rather than commenting, bulletin boards and blogs, listening on the bus, not listening on the run, fixing a mashup; blogs and communicators in Europe; changing demographics for media; GM’s new podcasts and other podcast developments; open source marketing; IABC; Robert Scoble and time challenges for bloggers; Creative Commons tool […]
Ten trends to watch
Wouldn’t it be great to have a good handle on what will happen this year to make sure you could plan around it? asks Mitchell Levy, CEO and executive editor of Happy About, a US publisher of books for corporations. In his latest book, Knowing What to Expect in 2005: Predictions from Over 50 Executives, […]
An open conversation with Steve Rubel, Micro Persuasion
Last Monday 21 March, Shel and I interviewed Steve Rubel for The Hobson & Holtz Report bi-weekly podcast. Steve is Vice President Client Solutions at CooperKatz, a New York PR firm, and author of the Micro Persuasion blog. He is arguably the most prominent and influential blogger in the PR profession either side of the […]
Easy podcast tag editing
If you do podcasting on a Windows PC, you’ll find AudioShell extremely useful. AudioShell is a freeware Windows Explorer shell extension plugin which allows you to view and edit music file tags directly in Windows Explorer. It adds tag editor and viewer tabs to the properties page of music files. You can edit tags file […]
New social network focuses on building trust
A new business networking service hopes to set itself apart by de-emphasizing the friends-bringing-in-friends strategy of many social networks and, instead, matching up people according to their professional affiliations and interests. InternetWeek reports on new entrant Common Network, which launched in February, and its plans to grow by partnering with larger organizations as a private-label […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #19: March 28, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments: keep it up, ego boosting and a listening experience; video news releases and responsibilities; relying or not on third-party web services; new tool for tracking where a conversation goes; the Disney mouse that roared; asking the blogosphere for input on policy; the risks of writing and posting without due diligence. Show […]
Technorati’s one billion links contest
Via Mike Manuel comes news that Technorati has opened up a contest to guess when the service will reach a mega milestone – tracking one billion links. Technorati CEO Dave Sifry has the details: Technorati would like to mark this special event for our members with a “One Billion Links Tracked” contest. Entries must be […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #20: March 31, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments: audio comments and a few written ones, too, on VNRs, multimedia search, and new blogs; Elizabeth Albrycht’s advice column; Nielsen-Norman’s top 10 intranets; Microsoft’s newly named stripped-down Windows XP for Europe; new bloggers at GM’s Fastlane blog; Yahoo 360; faux blogs; and monitoring employees’ online behavior. Show notes for March 31, […]
Email catchup and blackberries
One of the things that’s a real chore when you get back from a trip is catching up with email. I got back late last night from a 3-day trip to the UK and encountered 248 emails when I turned on my PC this morning. And that total excludes the spam stuff my spam catcher, […]
Podcasting the news on the Pope
The health of Pope John Paul is looking increasingly grave, according to all news reports. Things are not looking good at all. One medium I will be following closely is the Catholic Insider, the podcast blog by Father Roderick Vonhögen, catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Utrecht here in The Netherlands. As I write this, […]
Taking Yahoo 360 for a spin
What a dilemma – six invitations to sign up to Yahoo 360°, the new social networking offering from Yahoo that launched in beta earlier this week. Which do I choose? So as not to offend anyone, I’ve accepted the first one I received based on the email date/time stamp. And that was from Mike Manuel. […]
BeOS gets a new life
Om Malik writes: Hey anyone remember the funky ole BeOS which became such a darling of the hackers, and died a horrible death with Apple chose to buy NextOS and bring back Steve Jobs. Well looks like it is not dead after all, thanks to a German software start-up, Yellow Tab. They have turned BeOS […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #21: April 4, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments: podcast annotating, indexing and navigating; running VNRs and press releases is shoddy journalism; mainstream media is not the way to go with youth messaging; searching blog feeds for photos, audio and video; Print media will still be around for a while; Darren Barefoot’s not smoking the podcasting dope; Catholic Insider at […]
It’s all happening in France
In February, I wrote about what some French newspapers are doing with blogs – Le Monde with its reader blogs and Libération with its journalists’ blogs. Last month, there was news that VNU France launched a consumer blog portal, following its launch of blogs for its journalists across Europe. Tech publisher 01Net also launched a […]
Questionable podcasting stats from Pew Internet
In show #21 of The Hobson & Holtz Report on Monday, Shel and I discussed research on podcasting from the Pew Internet and American Life Project that was released on that day. Pew’s research information we discussed included this statement: Some 29% of the 22 million people who own iPods/MP3 players have downloaded podcasts. That […]
Hardly a gap between Windows and Linux
Most US businesses say there is very little difference between the cost of maintaining a Windows versus a Linux-based corporate computing environment, according to a new study from IT industry analysts, the Yankee Group. A Reuters report via eWeek quotes Yankee Group analyst Laura DiDio saying that the main cost difference is determined by the […]
The Dutch company where everyone’s a blogger
Fredrik Wackå posted a great report today about Macaw Nederland, a Dutch technology company and Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, whose 110 employees all blog. Fredrik says: At Macaw all employees have their own internal blog. They get it when they get their network, intranet and e-mail account. Not only do they have blogs – they […]
TV moves to the internet
BBC News: MTV is launching a free "channel" on the internet that will show some of the station’s TV programmes, including reality hit The Osbournes. The MTV Overdrive website will let users with high-speed computer connections watch music videos and extended programmes on demand. The website is currently being tested and will launch fully on […]