Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on not knowing what to think about blogs; recording on an iPod; on enjoying open source marketing interview; more on character blogs; screencasting and Camtasia; on IBM intranets and good publicity; suggestions for transcribing interviews; syndicating RSS content; from our Australia correspondent); report on the Blognomics conference; don’t dismiss press releases; […]
Category: Web/Tech
Talk and images about Blognomics
Yesterday’s Blognomics conference at the RAI conference center in Amsterdam was a terrific event. With about 85 participants, there were so many great people to meet. I commented about it in yesterday’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, so I won’t repeat all that here in a post. If you’d like to listen […]
Catholic Insider podcasting rig
A special invited guest at yesterday’s Blognomics conference in Amsterdam was Father Rodrick Vonhogen of the Catholic Insider podcast, the one that’s been top of the downloads hit parade on Podcast Alley for some weeks. Father Rodrick couldn’t make it, unfortunately – he’s still in Rome podcasting from the Vatican – so he made a […]
It’s all happening in France – Part 2
Just about to unplug the PC from the net so I can get going. Off to Paris on the Thalys where I’ll be participating in Les Blogs, the one-day conference about social networks, blogging, nanopublishing and where it’s all heading which takes place at the French Senate on Monday. I’ll be one of 257 participants […]
Les Blogs quotes
I’m sitting next to Fredrik Wacka here at Les Blogs. Back row in the room, closest place to a power connection and a wireless access point. I’ve known Fredrik for about six months, but today’s the first time we’ve actually met face to face. That’s the nature of the new trust model – you don’t […]
Les Blogs afternoon
This afternoon at Les Blogs has had many of the characteristics you see in almost any kind of conference. You know, it’s after lunch, after the time you’ve spent meeting new people, seeing people you already know, chatting, etc. So everyone’s just a bit jaded and a little tired. Now it’s nearly 6:30pm and things […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #27: April 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on character blogs, recording with an ipod, our mention in the New Scientists article on Skype, FeedDemon, our review of Yahoo 360 and employer monitoring of employee e-mail and online activity); Les Blogs update; Business Week’s cover story, "Blogs Will Change Your Business," communication strategic planning, executive voice in a CEO […]
Size matters little
Size matters, right? As in “My X is bigger than your X.” So the bigger a thing is the more cool it is and, if you’re male, the more macho you are. Right? Well, how about “My X is smaller than your X”? In Paris this morning, David Tebbutt and I were discussing how devices […]
‘Social’ goes hand in hand with ‘network’
This morning, I was looking at some of the photos uploaded to Flickr by many of the 257 people who participated in Les Blogs. Some great photos, and a pleasure to view them. It isn’t so much the photos themselves that’s caught my attention, though. What did that is an amazing number – 1,200. That’s […]
RSS feed hijack!
A very peculiar thing with the RSS feeds for some of the blogs that I read has happened since yesterday. I use FeedDemon version 1.5 (the latest version). If you’re familiar with FeedDemon, you’ll know that you have channel groups that contain individual channels (the RSS feeds) of blogs you select to receive the feeds. […]
Top brands on the net
BBC News: eBay is the top brand name on the net, according to calculations by net monitoring company Envisional. It scored the highest in terms of how positively it is perceived on the net, compared to McDonald’s which had the most negative perception online. Envisional says the top ten brands – selected from the FTSE-100 […]
Collaborative working with wikis
The Financial Times has an excellent report on why wikis (definition) are an effective collaborative tool for the workplace, quoting examples from three prominent companies: "It helps to think of [a wiki] as a sort of online whiteboard," says Gary Boone, research manager at Accenture‘s technology laboratories. "We set up a blog and wiki system […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #28: April 28, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on featuring FIR, snarkiness by Business Week, having a guest host for the show, archiving and broadcasting audio input, blogs that float in outer space, audio blog summaries, syndicating RSS feeds, yet more on character blogs, doing promos like Adam Curry, searching podcasts by keywords); a broad review of Les Blogs; […]
Will Paris’ podcast have character?
I’ve heard this already described as a ‘character blog’: Podcasting is hot. But it just got hotter. Paris Hilton invites you to join her on "The Paris Hilton Podcast — Countdown to House of Wax," beginning on April 29. Join Paris and friends as she shops, parties, poses and publicizes in the days leading up […]
Who said what at Les Blogs
Constantin Basturea has put together an excellent listing of posts, podcasts and video clips that bloggers have posted about Les Blogs. The lengthy listing includes lots of posts on each of the presentation sessions – very useful seeing all this together. Far easier to find things than via the Technorati tag. That’s excellent, but it […]
Podcasting is disruptive for radio advertising
Fast Company: Podcasting is the newest disruptive technology threatening traditional radio — and making the satellite guys nervous, too. Intro to a well-written short piece in Fast Company on the threat podcasting presents to radio, which also says: Podcasting has the makings of an audio version of the blog phenomenon, allowing any bum with a […]
Quite a number Over 180 million computer users have downloaded Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Microsoft said […] that it is working to make life more secure for those using non-XP systems. Microsoft released SP2 in August last year. Quite a number of people (and businesses) didn’t upgrade automatically via Windows Update amid concerns primarily […]
More shake up in the enterprise market
Hundreds of developers at Microsoft and SAP will work together on a new product designed to link together their business software in the most significant leap forward in their 15-year partnership, according to a report by eWeek. The new product, code-named "Mendocino," will link SAP process functionality such as time management, budget monitoring, organizational management, […]
Tips and tricks for corporate blogging
The cover story about blogs in last week’s Business Week (magazine cover date today, 2 May) has been widely commented on in blogs around the world. For instance, a Technorati search of blogs that link to the cover story shows over 170 blog posts so far. Even more interesting, though, is seeing the conversation thread […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #29: May 2, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on communication strategy, measurement, champagne and tea "from our Australian correspondent"; on communication impact of blogs; podcasting at Les Blogs; identifing a blog author; equipment for mobile podcasting); Doc Searls at Les Blogs; Business Week’s cover story on blogs; lots of developments with podcasting; upcoming interviews in May; suggestions for co-hosts […]