My podcasting co-presenter Shel has started a new resource page on The New PR Wiki to list business podcasts in one convenient location. I’ve just added a couple to the list; if you know of any, please add them. The New PR Wiki | Business Podcast List
Category: Web/Tech
Apple podcast subscriptions top a million in two days
In just two days, people using the new version of iTunes have subscribed to more than a million podcasts, TechWeb News reported late yesterday. On Tuesday, Apple launched iTunes 4.9, the latest version of the free digital music player software, that includes support for podcasting. For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, the bi-weekly […]
TypePad gets ready to roll out new features
If your blog is hosted by TypePad, this would be a good weekend to give your blog a break: […] The TypePad team suggests that since this is a holiday weekend, you call it a day at 5PM, head to your local watering hole and raise a glass to webloggers everywhere. When you return to […]
TypePad’s new authentication features in place
Six Apart is working very quickly indeed this weekend to roll out the new features in TypePad that I mentioned yesterday as I can already see some of them in place. For starters, they’ve increased the file storage allowance to 500Mb (up from 100Mb) and increased the monthly bandwidth allowance to 5Gb (up from 3Gb). […]
Steve Rubel’s first podcast
Sunday morning is a great time to listen to podcasts, new discoveries as well as a favourite or two as I sip my cuppa (Dave Winer’s Morning Coffee Notes is a great accompaniment with the first cup of tea). This morning, I’ve listened to one new one – Steve Rubel’s first podcast which he recorded […]
TypeKey authentication enabled
Last night, I enabled TypeKey authentication for commenting on this blog. If you go to any post to leave a comment, you’ll notice this new line of text above the form fields you fill in with your name, etc: If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In It’s purely voluntary – if […]
Book review podcast: Todd Cochrane’s Podcasting
A few weeks ago, I received the copy of Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane that I’d ordered from Amazon UK. As a business podcaster myself and a regular listener to Todd’s podcast, Geek News Central, I wondered how Todd’s book on podcasting would address the topic. Well, he’s done an excellent […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #47: July 4, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (positive opinions about podcasts; negative opinions about Virgin’s New York podcasts; sans-serif fonts and the new generation; is open source marketing open?; a suggestion for FIR #50; mixing a genuine CEO blogger with a fake Toyota Yaris blog); Six Apart upgrades TypePad; call for ideas for blogging IABC’s next conference; Steve […]
Blog censorship and the impact on doing business in China
The many conversations in recent weeks about blog censorship in China won’t lead to any meaningful conclusions, I reckon. While the first amendment rights to free speech that many bloggers passionately post about is a US concept (and hardly likely to make inroads in China any time soon), it is something I also strongly believe […]
It’s all happening in France – Part 3
Business Week, 11 July edition: […] Turns out, smoke-filled cafés aren’t the only places where the French like to spend hours in existential debate. France has become a nation of bloggers. An estimated 5% of residents have set up blogs, a far greater percentage than in most other countries, including the U.S., where an estimated […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #48: July 7, 2005
Content summary: The London bombings; communication plan for new media available for download; listeners’ comments (on mixing a real CEO blogger with a fake blog; explaining open source marketing; critical analysis of Virgin’s New York podcasts; political PR in the US and EU; a new podcast browser); report on raising awareness in the UK about […]
Ballmer interview turns communication upside down
Watching Robert Scoble’s video interview with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is the confirmation for me that formal, pre-planned and carefully-controlled organizational communication has now reached an evolutionary end point. Traditionally, planning and managing communication in organizations is a function managed by people skilled in particular areas of communication (corporate, marketing, PR, investor, internal, etc). So […]
Dell isn’t listening
If you’ve been following Jeff Jarvis’ interesting experiences in his dealings with Dell, the PC maker, in trying to get his laptop repaired, Christopher Carfi has a great commentary in his latest podcast that extends this story, looking at what Dell’s done with their US customer support forums. It seems to me that Dell has […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #49: July 11, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on credibility, trust and relationships; bloggers should ask first; get over show length; speed up the blog; iTunes and subscribing to the show); iTunes, podcasting and RSS concerns; countering a view that podcasts are a fad; the London bombings and the milestone role of citizen journalism; what African bloggers say about […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #50: July 14, 2005
Content summary: 50th anniversary greetings; listeners’ comments (podcasting won’t disappear, iTunes problems; an interview suggestion; the power and passion of podcasting; providing insight on podcasting); weblog design confuses visitors; CBS News editorial blog and the BBC’s open source developments; dissatisfied Dell and Land Rover customers who have blogs. Show notes for July 14, 2005 Welcome […]
New FeedDemon 1.6 beta 1 available
If you’re a registered user of the FeedDemon RSS aggregator for Windows, you should definitely take a look at the new version 1.6 beta 1, now available for download. I installed it last night and I have to say it seems very good indeed for a first beta. Loads of small changes and enhancements – […]
GM’s advice to would-be corporate bloggers
To any senior executive on the fence about starting a corporate blog, Bob Lutz, the Vice Chairman of General Motors, has one word of advice: Jump. Writing in Information Week, Lutz says a blog provides no better opportunity to engage in an open dialogue and exchange of ideas with customers and potential customers, illustrating his […]
Skype launches developer blog
Via Skype Journal, news that internet phone service provider Skype now has a second public blog – Developer Zone. From a post in Share Skype, the first Skype blog launched in May: Developers who want to keep up with the latest happenings, plans, releases, and news from Skype and the Skype Developer Zone have a […]
The portable hot spot arrives
Last Thursday’s New York Times has a story about Junxion Box, a device that lets you set up a mobile multi-user internet connection anywhere you can receive data cellular (mobile phone) service. The NYT’s report says that the device, about the size of a shoebox cover, uses a cellular modem card from a wireless phone […]
Email has its disclosure risks, too
Financial Times: Versatel, the Dutch telecoms company, on Thursday denied it was the source of an e-mail announcing that it may be bought by Deutsche Telekom, triggering legal and regulatory probes into the document’s origin. Dutch media received the e-mail, purportedly from Versatel and Talpa, an investment company that is its biggest shareholder [and the […]