Content summary: Listeners’ comments (more 50th show congrats; do one topic; intercontinental collaboration; a milestone and keep going; the word is getting out; seeking PR feedback; more on blog design and usability; the power of the blog for customers; monitoring and tracking blogs); Adrian Melrose and his Land Rover, continued; advice from GM to would-be […]
Category: Web/Tech
Doc Searls starts podcasting
At just over six minutes long, Doc Searls made his first podcast yesterday. Just music and some informal chit-chat including with his little helper (listen and you’ll hear). Why is he doing this? Here’s what Doc says about three and a half minutes into the ‘cast: I have to start podcasting, this is really what […]
RSS: Great fit for the corporate environment
In its 18 July edition, Red Herring magazine has a good feature article about RSS in the enterprise, focusing in particular on NewsGator and what Red Herring says is its emerging market leadership: […] While a newsreader is a lightweight project – not much of a business – NewsGator has been aggressive about synchronizing a […]
Manage your online presence with Jyve for Skype
If you use the Skype internet phone service, you know that it’s a very useful tool for easy communication that can save you considerable sums of money on your phone bill compared to ‘normal’ phone services. The example I posted in January, where I commented on the astonishingly-low cost of a 35-minute conference call, is […]
Comparing blog publishing offerings
The Online Journalism Review has a good primer and handy comparison chart of some of the major blog publishing platforms, which should be helpful to anyone thinking about starting a blog or thinking about switching platforms. Platforms reviewed and compared are Blogger, TypePad, BlogWare, WordPress, Movable Type and Expression Engine. As a TypePad user, I […]
Mobile phone growth key driver for videocasting
Mobile phone sales will exceed one billion handsets a year by 2009 as they become the most common consumer electronics device with 2.6 billion people worldwide using one by then, according to a survey by IT industry analysts Gartner published yesterday, says a Reuters report. Many of these devices will be smartphones with big colour […]
Game sex scenes denial hits GTA maker’s share price
BBC News: The best-selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game has been given an adults only ratings in the US after explicit sexual content was found in it. The Entertainment Software Rating Board changed the rating as the game’s publisher Take Two admitted it created sex scenes found in the title. There would be nothing […]
Police appeal for photos of London bombings
More bombings in London today, as media worldwide is reporting. Minor this time and, thankfully, no deaths reported. As with the 7 July bombings in London, people directly caught up in events record and publish those events with cameras, camera phones and whatever means of communication they have available. So direct appeals by the police […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #52: July 21, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on videocasting; success with iTunes; codes of ethics; blogging about Dell and Land Rover; concerns about Technorati); Canon’s new tool; Blinkx TV and Smartfeed; BlogPulse relaunched website; Global Blog8Live launches; helping Shari Kerzrok; Land Rover customer dissatisfaction campaign; PR Week on podcasting; report from the Spinfluencer; RSS advertising in Europe; […]
Next Windows version – Windows Vista
Much speculation overnight in tech media and around the blogosphere that the next version of Microsoft Windows – currently codenamed Longhorn – will be called Windows Vista. The official word is expected in a press release from Microsoft during today. It’s an interesting name. ‘Vista’ comes from the Italian past participle of vedere, to see, […]
Firefox releases stability update 1.0.6
If you installed version 1.0.5 of Firefox released a few weeks ago, you should definitely install the latest version 1.0.6 released yesterday. Version 1.0.6 fixes some bugs introduced in 1.0.5 that resulted in some Firefox extensions not working correctly: Firefox 1.0.6 is a stability update. We recommend that users upgrade to this latest version. Here’s […]
Anti-drug web ads grab attention
Eye-catching, isn’t it? I spotted this web ad on the US site when reading an article about corporate blogging (a very good and well-written article, by the way: see separate post). The ad certainly grabbed my attention. Not only this one – the page also displayed two banner ads, one horizontal the other vertical. […]
So much innovation
> A British startup wants to give more consumers more chances to hear about what’s in the paper. Otodio bills itself as the “universal, eyes-free document delivery standard.” Just as companies like enable radio listeners to hear audio versions of best sellers and any number of other books in their car, Otodio plans to […]
Does Europe need an EFF?
If we don’t let the politicians know what we’re worried about, we’ll inevitably end up stripped of the rights we presently have, says Nicole Simon. Prompted by a call for support for a UK-based tech/civil liberties organization by Cory Doctorow, Nicole has just launched a pledge to garner support for establishing such an organization at […]
Through the side window with RSS
A story from the Associated Press has some great sound bites from mainstream media and others about RSS. All the quotes are from US media but the points they’re making would be valid anywhere today: Jim Brady, executive editor of The Washington Post‘s website: "When we all started this 10 years ago, we wanted to […]
Virtual Earth first looks
Wow! Virtual Earth is impressive. I just went to the website, clicked on the ‘Locate Me’ button, told it to find me using my computer’s IP address, and it did just that in less than three seconds. What is Virtual Earth? From the FAQ: Virtual Earth is a new map and search system soon to […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #53: July 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on winning credibility in the blogosphere); Land Rover campaign update; road testing BlogPulse Profiles; Fast Company’s blog jam; talent and innovation depart Ford and Hewlett-Packard; an interview with Intelliseek about BlogPulse and BrandPulse; new data from Pew; AdCandy’s open approach; pledge for digital rights in Europe; PodcastCon UK; CNET podcasts; […]
Don’t believe everything you read in the media
I like listening to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code as background listening as I’m working. That’s how I usually listen to radio – background listening while I’m doing something else. So it is for me with podcasts like the DSC, which I play on a PC in my office and listen to through the PC’s […]
Anti-piracy measures now include Windows Update
BBC News: Microsoft has stepped up its fight against software piracy by requiring users to verify their copies of the Windows operating system. Anyone downloading updates for Windows XP will be required to check that their operating system is genuine. This validation process is in place right now as I discovered when I visited the […]
Podcast your blog with Talkr
An interesting concept – write your blog posts and then make that content available in audio format for anyone to listen to your blog. This is what Talkr does using text-to-speech conversion technology that takes a blog’s RSS feed and converts such machine-readable content into speech, creating MP3 files of each individual post. You can […]