The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #7: February 14, 2005

Show notes for February 14, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 46:43-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]

It’s about the communication, not the technology

Today marks the beginning of a new venture that brings together four European-based communication professionals to offer organizations something a little different in the field of communication consulting and communication technology. Elizabeth Albrycht, Christophe Ducamp, Guillaume du Gardier and myself have formed Blogging Planet, a new consultancy designed to help companies in Europe and the […]

Technorati searchlet broken

I started testing the new Technorati searchlet in January. This is a bit of code you stick on your blog that gives you a Technorati-based search capability for your blog. It’s at the top right of this page, just beneath the regular search box. I”m actually not sure how it works compared to the Google-based […]

Two surveys about RSS

RSS services company Nooked is sponsoring two surveys about RSS. The first, for analysts, journalists and bloggers, aims to learn more about how these groups of influencers use RSS. The second, for public relations and marketing communicators, aims to determine the rate of adoption of RSS in the PR/marketing arena. As an added incentive to […]

New list of PR blogs

If you want a comprehensive and up-to-date list of blogs authored by PR professionals – and want a one-stop place for all the RSS feeds – look no further than the new resource list just created by Constantin Basturea. This new directory of PR blogs at Bloglines has more than 160 entries and includes personal, […]

Completing the circle

Jeremy Pepper in Scottsdale, Arizona, has finally got a trackback capability on his blog, Musings from POP! Public Relations. I’ve been trying to persuade him to do this because a) he writes some very good content, and b) I can’t connect to that content if I post something on my blog related to his writing. […]

RSS as the self-contained information experience

Following my post a few days ago on getting more from your RSS feed, in particular on using Feedburner’s new Total Stats Pro service, I read a very interesting report on ClickZ about RSS advertising. In the report, ClickZ managing editor Pamela Parker interviews Feedburner CEO Dick Costolo to discuss his company’s experimentation with advertising […]