I use an offline editor to write nearly all my blog posts. This means I’m not dependent on a network connection nor the vagaries of the internet between my PC and the hosting service (TypePad for this blog), or even my own server where I have my WordPress blog. Plus, I always have the original […]
Category: Weblog Tools
Intelliseek acquired, forms part of new VNU-backed company as VNU looks to be acquired
Two of the leading companies in tracking and analysing what consumers are talking about online have joined forces to create, in the words of the formal press release, the new global standard for measuring and understanding word-of-mouth behavior and influence. Market intelligence firm Intelliseek has been acquired by word-of-mouth research and planning company Buzzmetrics. The […]
Filling the market gap for offline blog editors
Some readers of this blog have left some great comments to my post last week about offline blog editors. In that post, I talked about ecto for Windows, BlogJet and Qumana as examples of popular editors for Windows (and for the Mac, in some cases) which enable you to write your blog posts offline, on […]
FIR Interview – Pete Blackshaw, Intelliseek – January 17, 2006
Following today’s joint announcement by Intelliseek and Buzzmetrics on the merger of those two firms into a new company backed by media group VNU, Shel and Neville spoke to Pete Blackshaw, Intelliseek’s Chief Marketing and Customer Satisfaction Officer. Conversation points: The joining together of Intelliseek and Buzzmetrics; VNU and being acquired; developments in tracking and […]
Blog Spring cleaning and a fresh start
Sitting around a table in Copenhagen on Saturday in informal conversation with an eclectic bunch of communicators who are also bloggers has produced an additional benefit for me – the catalyst for a decision on what to do about my still-planned move from this TypePad blog to WordPress. I’ve decided to start over with a […]
TypePad captcha in action
I was adding a comment to a post on my own blog in reply to a previous commenter and hit the ‘submit’ button. What I got next was a pleasant surprise: This is a captcha, a technique that tests whether a human being is on the other end of the connection, so to speak, rather […]
Forrester Research evaluating corporate blogging solutions
Charlene Li: My definition of a blogging solution is a software or service that enables the online publication and management of a blog. At a minimum, the solution should allow the user to set up a Web page, write posts, and manage them. Blog support services like FeedBurner or aggregators like NewsGator don’t fall into […]
Good time to back up your TypePad blog
If you’re a TypePad customer, be aware that the hosted blog service will be in maintenance mode this weekend. From a note on the Six Apart Status blog last night: We have a scheduled maintenance window on Saturday evening from 11:00 PM through Sunday morning at approximately 4:00 AM to upgrade our database server. Upgrading […]
Comments are integral parts of the conversation
While I’m still having a bit of difficulty figuring out whether the 30Boxes calendaring service is worth spending any time with or not, I’m having no such difficulty in seeing the value of a service like coComment. The concept of this is brilliantly simple – provide a means through which any comment you make on […]
QumanaXP public beta launched
For the past few weeks, I’ve been trying out the closed beta versions of QumanaXP, an offline blog editing tool that is available in versions for Windows and Mac platforms. While I’ve not been using it for every post I’ve been writing to my blogs – I’ve been mixing and matching between ecto for Windows, […]
New FeedDemon beta released
Beta 2 of FeedDemon 2, the RSS aggregator for Windows, was released this week. If you’ve been testing FD’s development versions since release 1.5, this latest beta is worth getting. I’ve just installed it and the first thing I notice is how much faster the application seems to be overall compared to beta 1. The […]